Pinkish Artinya

Pinkish Artinya

it radiates like a heavenly pinkish palace

Daftar Isi

1. it radiates like a heavenly pinkish palace

kalo di terjemahkan ke bahasa indonesia menjadi "itu memancar seperti istana merah muda surgawi"

2. "at down when the first rays of the sun hits the dome of this epic monument it radiates like a heavenly pinkish palace"it in the santence refers to....


"di bawah ketika sinar matahari pertama menghantam kubah monumen epik ini, ia memancarkan seperti istana surgawi merah muda" dalam kalimat itu mengacu pada ....


"di bawah ketika sinar matahari pertama menghantam kubah monumen epik ini, ia memancarkan seperti istana surgawi merah muda" itu di santence mengacu pada ....

3. 1.The teks tells about ...2.The advantages of aloevera product for daily life are ..3.The colour of leaves is ...4.The purpose of texs is ...5.(They) have sharp, pinkish along their edges and ... the brackets refer to ...​

1. aloe vera

2. hydrates and soothes hair and skin,regulate blood glucose levels and cholesterols levels.

3. the leaves are grey to green and sometimes have white spots on their surfaces.

4. to give information the characteristics and the advantages of aloe vera.

5. the leaves.

4. I have a papava plant. It grows at the front yard. Thepapaya tree is tall about three motershigh. It has no branches. The steam is soft and weak because it has the flimsy woor!center. The leaves emerge directly from the upper part of the stem in a spiral fashI like to harvest the lowermost papaya fruit The oldest, mature fruit is the loc, andthe youngest the uppermost one. The ripe fruit has yellow skin. The flesh is bright orange orpinkish, with small black seeds clustered in the centerwhat is the purpose of the teks?why is the stem of the papayatree soft and weak? because…​


maaf kalau salah..yang aku garisi biru itu kamu salah nulis jadi nggk ter translate kan

5. Taj mahal shows shades of magnificent beauty at different time during the day.At dawn when the first rays of the sun hits the dome of this epic monument,it radiates like a heavenly pinkish daytime,when the sky is bright and clear,the taj looks milky white.At a moonlit night when the full moon rays reflect back from the white marble and give the Taj Mahal a tinge of blue color.It's simply breathtaking ! With such beauty,no wonder that taj mahal becomes one of the seven wonders of the world. Buatkan Main Idea nya !! Mohon di bantu

 taj mahal is wonderful land

6. 1. the word SMOOTH can be best replaced by a. not rough b.flat c. glossy d. efficient e. useful2. the word OBSERVED can be best replaced by a. surveyed b. noted c. examined d. noticed e. monitored 3. the word ROSY can be best replaced by a. blushing b. optimistic c. good d. pinkish e. rose colored4. the word IS OWNED can be best replaced bya. belongs tob. belongs withc. is held byd. is taken care of bye. is owed by5. the word REFLECTS can be best replaced bya. returns b. indicates c. exhibits d. imitates e. considers​


a not roughd noticedb optimistica belongs toe considers

maaf kalo salah

7. sambungannya:- Taj mahal shows shades of magrificent beauty at different time during the day. at dawn when the first rays of the sun hits the dome of this epic monument it radiates. life a heavenly pinkish place.- at day time, when the sky is bright and clear, the Taj looks milky white at a Moonlight night when the full moons rays fall on the glistening white marble and give Taj mahal a tinge of blue colour. ITS simply breath taking! with such beauty,no wonder Taj mahal becomes one,of the seven wonders of the worldpertanyaan: 1. where dan we find Taj mahal?2. why is the design of Taj mahal complicated?3. in your opinion, what is the best time to visit Taj mahal? why?

1. We can Find Tajmahal in India
2. Because Taj Mahal is the representative of love to memorize Syah Jahan's wife, Mumtaz Mahal.
3. at the full moon time. because at that time the Taj Mahal is blue

8. queI have a papay a plant. It grows at the front yard. The papay a tree is tall, about threemeters high. It has no branches. The steam is soft and weak because it has the flimsy woodand a hollow center. The leaves emer ge directly from the upper part of the stem in a spiralfashion.I like to harvest the lowermost papay a fruit. The oldest, mature fruit is the lowest one,and the youngest the uppermost one. The ripe fruit has yellow skin. The flesh is bright orangeorpinkish, with small black seeds clustered in thecenter.19. What is the purpose of the text?A. To amuse the readerC. To tell how to do somethingB. To tell the past experienceD. To describe something​


d. to describe something


D. To describe something

9. Apa bahasa Indonesia nya Aloe Vera is a verb with succulent leavest that are arranged in the rosetn the leaves are grey to green and somethimis with spots on their Sur faces they are Sharp . Pinkish spines alog their adges and are the saurce of the colours gel food in many commercial and medicinal products Aloe Vera has yellow tube like followers that cluster on a sistem


Aloe Vera adalah kata kerja dengan daun sukulen yang tersusun dalam mawar daun berwarna abu-abu sampai hijau dan kadang dengan bintik-bintik di wajah Sur mereka tajam. Duri-duri berwarna merah muda menutupi adges mereka dan merupakan campuran warna makanan gel di banyak produk komersial dan obat-obatan Aloe Vera memiliki tabung kuning seperti pengikut yang mengelompok pada sistem


10. Taj mahal shows shades of magnificent beauty at different time during the day.At dawn when the first rays of the sun hits the dome of this epic monument,it radiates like a heavenly pinkish daytime,when the sky is bright and clear,the taj looks milky white.At a moonlit night when the full moon rays reflect back from the white marble and give the Taj Mahal a tinge of blue color.It's simply breathtaking ! With such beauty,no wonder that taj mahal becomes one of the seven wonders of the world. Buatkan Main Idea nya !! Mohon di bantu

taj mahal shows shades of magnificent beauty at different time during the daytaj mahal shows shades of magnificient beauty at different time during the day, and become one of the seven wonders of the world.

11. Read the textand answer questionsI have a papaya plant. It grows at the front yard. Thepapaya tree is tall, about three meters high. It hasno branches. The steam is soft and weak because ithas the flimsy wood and a hollow center. The leavesemerge directly from the upper part of the stem in aspiral fashion. I like to harvest the lowermost papayafruit. The oldest, mature fruit is the lowest one, andthe youngest the uppermost one. The ripe fruit hasyellow skin. The flesh is bright orange or pinkish,with small black seeds clustered in the center.19. What is the purpose of the text?A. To amuse the readerB. To tell the past experienceC. To tell howto do somethingD. To describe something​


D. to describe something

12. I have a papayaplant. It grows at the front yard. The papava tree is tall about three metershigh. It has no branches The steam is soft and weak because it has the flimsy wood and a hollowcenter. The lave emerge directly from the upper part of the stem in a spiral fashionTlike to harvest the lowermest papaya fruit. The oldest, mature fruit is the lowest one, andthe youngest the uppernes one. The ripe fruit has yellow skin. The flesh is bright orange orpinkish, with small black seeds chistered in the centerWhy is the stem ofthe papayatree soft andweak? Because.................A. It has flimsy wood and a hollowcenterB. It has no branchesC. Its leaves emerge from the upperpart of the stemD. It is very tallE​

The stem of the papaya tree is soft and weak, because:

A. It has flimsy wood and a hollow center

13. "The papaya tree is tall" (Paragraph 1)the word 't all has the oppositemeaning with......Tu ap apsy a plant It grows at the tient and The papay a trois tall about themuters high it has no branche The steam is volt and weak bevate it has the tiny wood and ahello enter. The leaves emerge directly from the upper part of the stem in a sp tal fashionTe to harvest the lowest papaya fiut The oldest mature from the lowest one, andthe youngest the uppermost one. The top e frut has vollon skin. The flesh is bright orange ispinkish with small black seeds clustered in the centerO SmallO HighO WideO Short​


b. High.. . ........... semoga membantu

14. the text to answer questions 22-23! I have a papaya plant. It grows at the front yard. The papaya tree is tall, about three meters high. It has no branches. The steam is soft and weak because it has the flimsy wood and a hollow center. The leaves emerge directly from the upper part of the stem in a spiral fashion. I like to harvest the lowermost papaya fruit. The oldest, mature fruit is the lowest one, and the youngest the uppermost one. The ripe fruit has yellow skin. The flesh is bright orange or pinkish, with small black seeds clustered in the center. 44 22. Read flimsy wood and a hollow center." (Paragraph 1) The word 'flimsy' has the similar meaning with ... B. Thick A. Hard C. Soft 23. "The papaya tree is tall" (Paragraph 1) the word 'tall' has the opposite meaning with ... B. High C. Wide A. Small D. Long D. Shortbisa yok jawab sekarang juga ​


B. Thick

D. Short


flimsy artinya tipis/thick

Lawan kata tall/tinggi adalah short/pendek

22. Read flimsy wood and a hollow center." (Paragraph 1) The word 'flimsy' has the similar meaning with ... B. Thick A. Hard C. Soft

Answer : C. Soft

23. "The papaya tree is tall" (Paragraph 1) the word 'tall' has the opposite meaning with ... B. High C. Wide A. Small D. Long D. Short

Answer : D. Short


teks untuk menjawab pertanyaan 22-23!

Saya punya tanaman pepaya. Itu tumbuh di halaman depan. pohon pepaya tinggi, tingginya sekitar tiga meter. Itu tidak memiliki cabang. uapnya lembut dan lemah karena memiliki kayu yang tipis dan pusat berongga. Daun muncul langsung dari bagian atas batang dengan mode spiral. Saya suka memanen buah pepaya paling rendah. Buah tertua dan dewasa adalah yang terendah, dan yang termudah yang paling atas. Buah yang matang memiliki kulit kuning.

Dagingnya berwarna oranye terang atau merah muda, dengan biji hitam kecil berkerumun di tengahnya.

22. Baca kayu tipis dan pusat berongga " (paragraft 1) kata 'tipis' memiliki arti yang mirip dengan... B. Tebal A. Keras C. Lembut

23. "Pohon pepaya tinggi" (paragraft 1) kata 'tinggi' memiliki arti yang berlawanan dengan... B. Tinggi C. Lebar A. Kecil D. Panjang D. Pendek

Maaf kalo salah, semoga membantu ✨

15. Mrs Rahayu 's rambutan 's are good and nice rambutan is a avoid orellipsoid fruit with 34 - 8 cm in leght the colour usually can be pincish red yelowish red the rind os rambutan is thin leat hery and covered with tu bercles from each of which extends a suft, fleshy, red, pinkish about 0,52 centimeters long the fruit is white juicey acid subacid or swet flesh yo wonder attpoeple ? like eating rambutan that is why mrs rahayu sells her rambutan with cheafpriee. di jadikan bahasa indonesia.

Rambutan milik Nyonya Rahayu adalah rambutan yang bagus dan bagus adalah buah hindari atau elipsoid dengan ukuran 34 - 8 cm. Warna biasanya bisa berwarna kemerahan merah kuning yelowish rambutan rambutannya tipis dan ditutupi dengan bercanda dari masing-masing. Meliputi suft, berdaging, merah, merah muda sekitar 0,52 sentimeter panjangnya buahnya asam sariawan asam sariawan atau daging swo yo wonder attpoeple? Seperti makan rambutan itulah sebabnya mrs rahayu menjual rambutannya dengan cheafpriee.

16. sambungannya:- Taj mahal shows shades of magrificent beauty at different time during the day. at dawn when the first rays of the sun hits the dome of this epic monument it radiates. life a heavenly pinkish place.- at day time, when the sky is bright and clear, the Taj looks milky white at a Moonlight night when the full moons rays fall on the glistening white marble and give Taj mahal a tinge of blue colour. ITS simply breath taking! with such beauty,no wonder Taj mahal becomes one,of the seven wonders of the worldpertanyaan: 1. where dan we find Taj mahal?2. why is the design of Taj mahal complicated?3. in your opinion, what is the best time to visit Taj mahal? why?

1.the bank of yamuna river.
2. it represents the finest architectual and artistic achievement.
3. at Full moon night.we can see taj mahal on a tinge of blue color

17. Aloe Vera is a herb with succulent leaves that are arranged in a rosette. The leaves are grey to green and sometimes have white spots on their surfaces. They have sharp, pinkish spines along their edges and are the source of the colorless gel found in many commercial and medicinal products. Aloe Vera has yellow, tube-like flowers that cluster on a stem. The gel from the leaves of Aloe Vera is a common ingredient in many beauty products as it hydrates and soothes hair and skin. The gel from the leaves of Aloe Vera is consumed as a juice or tonic that helps aid digestion. The Aloe Vera gel has been used traditionally on the skin to treat psoriasis, burns, and sores caused by the Herpes simplex virus. Research has shown that when taken orally, aloe gel can regulate blood glucose levels and cholesterol levels, but care should be taken when taking Aloe products. 31) What does the text about? *


31) What does the text about?

The text is about Aloe Vera.


Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita dapat menemukannya pada kata pertama di paragraf pertama. Teks di atas termasuk Report Text yang selalu menuliskan objek yang dibahas selalu diletakkan di awal kalimat utama.

Kalimat utama dari teks di atas adalah

Aloe Vera is a herb with succulent leaves that are arranged in a rosette.

Kalimat utama ini termasuk pada struktur identification.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai report text tentang snow pada


18. I have a papaya plant. It grows at the front yard. The papay a tree is tall, about threemeters high. It has no branches. The steam is soft and weak because it has the flimsy woodand a hollow center. The leaves emer ge directly from the upper part of the stem in a spiralfashionI like to harvest the lowermost papay a fruit. The oldest, mature fruit is the lowest one,and the youngest the uppermost one. The ripe fruit has yellow skin. The flesh is bright orangeorpinkish, with small black seeds clustered in thecenter20. Why is the sem ofthe papayatree sof: and weak? Because..A. It has flimsy wood and a hollow centar C. Its leaves emerge from the upper part of the stemB. It has no branchesD. It is very tall​


A. It has flimsy wood and a hollow centar

Jawabannya :

A.Ithasflimsywood andahollowcenter

19. sambungannya:- Taj mahal shows shades of magrificent beauty at different time during the day. at dawn when the first rays of the sun hits the dome of this epic monument it radiates. life a heavenly pinkish place.- at day time, when the sky is bright and clear, the Taj looks milky white at a Moonlight night when the full moons rays fall on the glistening white marble and give Taj mahal a tinge of blue colour. ITS simply breath taking! with such beauty,no wonder Taj mahal becomes one,of the seven wonders of the worldpertanyaan: 1. where dan we find Taj mahal?2. why is the design of Taj mahal complicated?3. in your opinion, what is the best time to visit Taj mahal? why?

1. On the bank of Yamuna River
2. It is constructed with different stones and surrounded with domes
3. At the full moon night. Because it will give interesting colour.

20. height of 240 feet (73 meters). The dome is surrounded byfour smaller domes. Four slender towers, or minarets, standat the corners. Inside the mausoleum, an octagonal marblechamber adorned with carvings and semi-precious stoneshouse the false tomb of Mumtaz Mahal. Her actual remainsdie below, at garden levelTaj Mahal shows shades of magnificent beauty adifferent time during the day. At dawn when the first rays ofthe sun hits the dome of this epic monument, it radiates likea heavenly pinkish palace. At daytime, when the sky is brightand clear, the Taj looks milky white. At a moonlit night whenthe full moon rays fall on the glistening white marble, thecool moon rays reflect back from the white marble and givethe Taj Mahal atinge of blue color. It's simply breathtakingtWith such beauty, no wonder that Taj Mahal becomes one ofthe the Seven Wonders of the World,Tolong terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa indonesia​


ketinggian 240 kaki (73 meter). Kubah tersebut dikelilingi oleh empat kubah yang lebih kecil. Empat menara ramping, atau menara, berdiri di sudutnya. Di dalam mausoleum, sebuah ruang marmer segi delapan yang dihiasi dengan ukiran dan batu semi mulia menjadi tempat makam palsu Mumtaz Mahal. Jenazahnya yang sebenarnya mati di bawah, di tingkat taman Taj Mahal menunjukkan nuansa keindahan yang luar biasa pada waktu yang berbeda di siang hari. Saat fajar saat sinar matahari pertama menerpa kubah monumen epik ini, memancar seperti istana surgawi merah muda. Pada siang hari, saat langit cerah dan cerah, Taj Mahal tampak putih susu. Pada malam bulan purnama ketika sinar bulan purnama jatuh di atas marmer putih berkilauan, sinar bulan yang sejuk memantulkan kembali dari marmer putih dan memberi warna biru pada Taj Mahal. Sungguh menakjubkan Dengan keindahan seperti itu, tak heran Taj Mahal menjadi salah satu dari Tujuh Keajaiban Dunia,

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