Unbreakable Artinya

Unbreakable Artinya

" so unprotected" the underlined word means. a. unguarded. b. unbreakable c. unaivoidable d. unaware

Daftar Isi

1. " so unprotected" the underlined word means. a. unguarded. b. unbreakable c. unaivoidable d. unaware

uprotected = a unguarded = tidak terlindungi  

ga Ada teks pengantarnya, tapi mungkin jawabannya _unguarded_

2. Perbandingan antara angka penerimaan dan biaya yang dikeluarkan padakegiatan suatu usaha disebut dengan istilah :Break event pointb.Unbreakable costB/C Ratiod.Margin (keuntungan)e.Biaya​


B/C Ratio..

sebenarnya saya kurang paham, tapi Ratio itu artinya perbandingan. jadi saya cukup yakin :)

3. CAUTIONDon't touch the historical things here.Due to being too old. They are fragile.3. "..... they are fragile"What does the word fragile mean?A. UnbreakableB. Easily broken or damageC. Easily createdD. Untouchable​




fragile dalam bahasa indonesia artinya rapuh (bisa liat di kamus)

rapuh berarti mudah rusak atau pecah.

easily broken or damage


B. Easily broken or damage

Fragile dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah Rapuh atau gampang pecah

4. II. CONVERT THEM INTO SIMPLE SENTENCE! Example: Yuli who has worked in our company for 1 month will go to Seoul. Yuli will go to Seoul. Yuli (She) has worked in our company for 1 month. 1. The mango tree which Pak Omar has will be cut down. 2. The bucket which Abdullah bought is unbreakable. 3. Caca sang ‘Kun Anta’ that Misel hates most. 4. Mr. Karim who fed bears at the zoo last week has been attacked by a bear. 5. The Marketing Strategies which can be applied easily have been designed by us.


1. Omar's mango tree will be cut down

2. Abdullah's new bucket cannot be broken

3.Michelle hates caca s singing the song 'Kun anta'

4. Mr. Karim was attacked by a bear. He was feeding the bears last week

5. Easy marketing strategies have been devised


Maaf ya kalau salah dan follow saya

5. The Champion (By Carrie Underwood feat. Ludacris) [Carrie Underwood] I'll be the last one standingTwo hands in the air, I'm a championYou'll be looking up at me when it's overI live for the battle, I'm a soldier, yeahI'm a fighter like RockyPut your flag on your back like AliYeah, I'm the greatest I'm strongerPaid my dues, can't lose, I'ma own ya, ayI've been working my whole lifeAnd now it's do or dieI am invincible, unbreakableUnstoppable, unshakeableThey knock me down, I get up againI am the championYou're gonna know my nameYou can't hurt me nowI can't feel the painI was made for this, yeah, I was born to winI am the championWhen they write my storyThey gonna say that I did it for the gloryBut don't think that I did it for the fame, yeahI did it for the love of the game, yeahAnd this is my chance I'm takingAll them old records, I'm breakingAll you people watching on the TVYou go ahead and put your bets on me, ayI've been waiting my whole lifeTo see my name in lightsI am invincible, unbreakableUnstoppable, unshakeableThey knock me down, I get up againI am the championYou're gonna know my nameYou can't hurt me nowI can't feel the painI was made for this, yeah, I was born to winI am the champion[Ludacris]Born champion, LudaThe C is for the courage I possess through the traumaH is for the hurt, but it's all for the honorA is for my attitude working through the patienceMoney comes and goes, so the M is for motivationGotta stay consistent, the P is for persevereThe I is for integrity, innovative careerThe O is optimistic, open and never shutAnd the N is necessary 'cause I'm never givin' upSee, they ask me how I did it, I just did it from the heartCrushin' the competition, been doing it from the startThey say that every champion is all about his principlesCarrie! 1. What is the mood of the song? 2. Who do you think the song is addressed to? 3. What is the song about? Bantu secepatnya ​

1. carefree and encouraging
2. to the people that underestimate the singer
3. the song is about the singer being stronger and braver than before

6. Tunjukan manakah yang merupakan kalimat noun phrases 1.each developmental stage is carefully Observed by experienced architects 2.charing mothers usually use soft skin pouder their babies 3.In big cities student's living cost is very high 4.It is very interesting to wacth the Changing clour of the sea at sundown 5.some scientists believe that there are extremely Intelligen crea tures in other planets 6.It is beneficial for the gevernment to have come self-supporting regions. 7.these specilly equipped Planes can fly of a sped of 1.500 miles an hour. 8.some people cathc The long-nosed crocodile for fod. 9.there are unbreakable kitchen utensils. 10.the earth's station receives signals from unidentified flying objects 11.The dogs are trined to detect the Smell Id teh dringks. 12.poets usually find inspiration in the Still id the night. 13.a psychological appoarch to the prolem seems more effective. 14.much fertile land forming the main food supplier Is changed into sentlement. 15.As a young the generation they should have the will to develop. 16.not every one aggred to his ideas stated inn the meeting. 17.the government's attempts to in prove socio-economochs condition of the people were not Succesful. 18.we need more expert who can assist us in the development of science and technology. 19.most of the guest invited to the party were the rich. 20.some crocial and complicated world problems existing at present may bring abort word war III.


7.these specilly equipped Planes can fly of a sped of 1.500 miles an hour.

9.there are unbreakable kitchen utensils.

15.As a young the generation they should have the will to develop.

18.we need more expert who can assist us in the development of science and technology.

11.The dogs are trined to detect the Smell Id teh dringks.


Maaf kalau tidak berurutan.


7.these specilly equippet planes can fly of a speed of 1.500 miles an hour


maaf taunya nomor 7 aja .....maaf

7. Find the noun phrases in the following sentences. 1. Each developmental stage is carefully observed by experienced architects. 2. Caring mothers usually use soft skin powder their babies. 3. In big cities student's living cost is very high 4. It is very interesting to watch the changing colour of the sea at sundown. 5. Some scientists believe that there are extremely intelligent creatures in other planets. 6. It is beneficial for the government to have some self-supporting regions. 7. These specially equipped planes can fly of a speed of 1,500 miles an hour. 8. Some people catch the long-nosed crocodile for food. 9. There are unbreakable kitchen utensils. 10. The Earth's station receives signals from Unidentified Flying Objects. 11. The dogs are trained to detect the smell of the drinks. 12. Poets usually find inspiration in the still of the night. 13. A psychological approach to the problem seems more effective. 14. Much fertile land forming the main food supplier is changed into settlement 15. As a young generation they should have the will to develop 16. Not every one agreed to his ideas stated inn the meeting. 17. The goverment's attempts to improve socio-economics condition of the people were not successful. 18. We need more expert who can assist us in the development of science and technology. 19. Most of the guests invited to the party were the rich. 20. Some crucial and complicated world problems existing at present may bring abort World War III


ini pertanyaan nya mana?! ini mah cuman kalimat aja

8. My friends and I have to hang out together. We usually get together on weekends , and go to some places to have some fun. Usually we go to a mall or cinema to watch a movie. However, if there are no interesting places we can go to, we will make our own games and play them by ourselves joyously. The games we create are teamwork ones. we divide ourselves into two teams to play the games. We make all the rules, instructions, and punishment. Then, we will play our newly-created games and become closer through them. By making and playing our games together, we learn to cooperate, work in teams, and be responsible together. We also have so much fun doing it. I think this is one of the reason why our friendship is unbreakable.. 1.What does the writer and her friends love to do together? 2. What are the things that they make and play by themselves? 3.The word JOYOUSLY has similar meaning with.. 4. We make all the rules. Instructions and punishment? The bold word refers to.... 5. What is the advantage of making and playing their games by themselves according to the writer? Tolongg jawab dongg

My friends and I have to hang out together. We usually get together on weekends , and go to some places to have some fun. Usually we go to a mall or cinema to watch a movie. However, if there are no interesting places we can go to, we will make our own games and play them by ourselves joyously. The games we create are teamwork ones. we divide ourselves into two teams to play the games. We make all the rules, instructions, and punishment. Then, we will play our newly-created games and become closer through them. By making and playing our games together, we learn to cooperate, work in teams, and be responsible together. We also have so much fun doing it. I think this is one of the reason why our friendship is unbreakable..

Indo vers :  

Teman-teman saya dan saya harus berkumpul bersama. Kami biasanya berkumpul di akhir pekan, dan pergi ke beberapa tempat untuk bersenang-senang. Biasanya kami pergi ke mall atau bioskop untuk menonton film. Namun, jika tidak ada tempat menarik yang bisa kami kunjungi, kami akan membuat game sendiri dan memainkannya sendiri dengan gembira. Game yang kami buat adalah game kerja tim. kami membagi diri menjadi dua tim untuk memainkan permainan. Kami membuat semua aturan, instruksi, dan hukuman. Kemudian, kami akan memainkan game yang baru kami buat dan menjadi lebih dekat melalui mereka. Dengan membuat dan memainkan permainan kita bersama, kita belajar untuk bekerja sama, bekerja dalam tim, dan bertanggung jawab bersama. Kami juga bersenang-senang melakukannya. Kurasa inilah salah satu alasan mengapa persahabatan kita tidak bisa dipatahkan ..

1.What does the writer and her friends love to do together?

They love to hung out, amd they usually hangout on weekends

Indo vers : Mereka suka nongkrong, dan biasanya nongkrong di akhir pekan

2. What are the things that they make and play by themselves?

They made their own game and play them joyously

Indo vers :  Mereka membuat game mereka sendiri dan memainkannya dengan gembira

3.The word JOYOUSLY has similar meaning with..

Cheerful, happy, jolly, merry, jubilant, sparkling (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Indo vers :  Ceria, bahagia, riang, riang, gembira, berkilau

4. We make all the rules. Instructions and punishment? The bold word refers to....

5. What is the advantage of making and playing their games by themselves according to the writer?

"Then, we will play our newly-created games and become closer through them. By making and playing our games together, we learn to cooperate, work in teams, and be responsible together. We also have so much fun doing it. I think this is one of the reason why our friendship is unbreakable"

They became closer, and they also learn to cooperate, responsible, and one of the reason why they think that their friendship is unbreakable

Indo vers :  

"Kemudian, kami akan memainkan game yang baru kami buat dan menjadi lebih dekat melalui game itu. Dengan membuat dan memainkan game kami bersama, kami belajar untuk bekerja sama, bekerja dalam tim, dan bertanggung jawab bersama. Kami juga bersenang-senang melakukannya. Saya rasa ini adalah salah satu alasan mengapa persahabatan kita tidak bisa dipatahkan "

Mereka menjadi lebih dekat, dan mereka juga belajar untuk bekerja sama, bertanggung jawab, dan salah satu alasan mengapa mereka berpikir bahwa persahabatan mereka tidak bisa dipatahkan.

Tolongg jawab dongg

yessir, i already did it ::)

eeeeee that paragraph is so sweet, i love it

sorry klaw salah yaaaa

xoxo - (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

9. The Champion (By Carrie Underwood feat. Ludacris) [Carrie Underwood] I'll be the last one standingTwo hands in the air, I'm a championYou'll be looking up at me when it's overI live for the battle, I'm a soldier, yeahI'm a fighter like RockyPut your flag on your back like AliYeah, I'm the greatest I'm strongerPaid my dues, can't lose, I'ma own ya, ayI've been working my whole lifeAnd now it's do or dieI am invincible, unbreakableUnstoppable, unshakeableThey knock me down, I get up againI am the championYou're gonna know my nameYou can't hurt me nowI can't feel the painI was made for this, yeah, I was born to winI am the championWhen they write my storyThey gonna say that I did it for the gloryBut don't think that I did it for the fame, yeahI did it for the love of the game, yeahAnd this is my chance I'm takingAll them old records, I'm breakingAll you people watching on the TVYou go ahead and put your bets on me, ayI've been waiting my whole lifeTo see my name in lightsI am invincible, unbreakableUnstoppable, unshakeableThey knock me down, I get up againI am the championYou're gonna know my nameYou can't hurt me nowI can't feel the painI was made for this, yeah, I was born to winI am the champion[Ludacris]Born champion, LudaThe C is for the courage I possess through the traumaH is for the hurt, but it's all for the honorA is for my attitude working through the patienceMoney comes and goes, so the M is for motivationGotta stay consistent, the P is for persevereThe I is for integrity, innovative careerThe O is optimistic, open and never shutAnd the N is necessary 'cause I'm never givin' upSee, they ask me how I did it, I just did it from the heartCrushin' the competition, been doing it from the startThey say that every champion is all about his principlesCarrie! 1. What does the word 'you' on the song lyrics refer to? 2. What is the message of the song? Bantu secepatnya dan pakai penjelasan. Batas waktu sampe besok pagi ​​


1. The word "You" refers to us, the listeners.

2. To make us feel courage and make us dont give up. We must never give up and always do our best on everything.

Semoga membantu~

Mohon dijadikan jawaban tercerdas yaa


The Champion:

1. What does the word 'you' on the song lyrics refer to?

It refers to everyone who listens to the song.

2. What is the message of the song?

The message is to believe in yourself that you have the power to discipline yourself to achieve your goals, no matter how hard that is.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Analyzing a Song (menganalisa lagu) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

1. Pada apakah kata 'kamu' pada lirik lagu itu mengacu?

Itu mengacu pada semua orang yang mendengarkan lagu tersebut.

2. Apa pesan dari lagu tersebut?

Pesannya adalah percaya pada diri sendiri bahwa kamu memiliki kekuatan untuk mendisiplinkan diri sendiri untuk mencapai tujuanmu, tidak peduli seberapa sulitnya itu.

Semoga membantu ya.

10. 1. If something is washable, it means... ?a. It can be washedb. It can not be washedc. It can not wash2. If something is unbreakable, it means...? a. It can be brokenb. It can not be brokenc. It can break something3. If something is edible, it means... ?a. It can be eatenb. It can't be eatenc. It can eat something4. If something is invisible, it means... ?a. It can be seenb. It can't be seenc. It can see anything5 . If something is visible, it means... ? a. It can be seenb. It can not be seenc. It can not see anything6. If something is audible, it means... ? a. It can be heardb. It can not be heardc. It can hear anything7. If something is portable, it means... ?a. It can be carriedb. It can not be carriedc. It can carry something8. If something is lovable, it means... ?a. It can be lovedb. It can not be lovedc. It can love someone9 . If something is reusable, it means... ? a. It can be used againb. It can not be used againc. It can use again10 .If something is drinkable, it means...?a. It can be drunkb. It can't be drunkc. It can drink anything11. If something is acceptable, it means... ?a. It can be agreed onb. It can not be agreed onc. It can not done12 .If something is doable, it means... ?a. It can be achievedb. It can not be achievedc. It can achieve anythingd. Yang lain:13. If something is mixable, it means... ?a. It can be mixedb. It can not be mixedc. It can mix well14. If something is breakable, it means... ?a. It can be brokenb. It can not be brokenc. It can break anything15 . If something is eligible, it means... ?a. It can be worthy chosenb. It can't be worthy chosenc. It can choose anybodytolong bantu ya kak . Jagan ngawur tentang passive voice​



11. Find the noun phrases in the following sentences. 1. Each developmental stage is carefully observed by experienced architects. 2. Caring mothers usually use soft skin powder their babies. 3. In big cities student's living cost is very high 4. It is very interesting to watch the changing colour of the sea at sundown. 5. Some scientists believe that there are extremely intelligent creatures in other planets. 6. It is beneficial for the government to have some self-supporting regions. 7. These specially equipped planes can fly of a speed of 1,500 miles an hour. 8. Some people catch the long-nosed crocodile for food. 9. There are unbreakable kitchen utensils. 10. The Earth's station receives signals from Unidentified Flying Objects. 11. The dogs are trained to detect the smell of the drinks. 12. Poets usually find inspiration in the still of the night. 13. A psychological approach to the problem seems more effective. 14. Much fertile land forming the main food supplier is changed into settlement 15. As a young generation they should have the will to develop 16. Not every one agreed to his ideas stated inn the meeting. 17. The goverment's attempts to improve socio-economics condition of the people were not successful. 18. We need more expert who can assist us in the development of science and technology. 19. Most of the guests invited to the party were the rich. 20. Some crucial and complicated world problems existing at present may bring abort World War III


yang lebih baik akan terjadinya

12. Find the Subject – Predicator construction in the following sentences 1. Each developmental stage is carefully observed by experienced architects.2. Caring mothers usually use soft skin powder their babies.3. In big cities student‟s living cost is very high4. It is very interesting to watch the changing color of the sea at sundown.5. Some scientists believe that there are extremely intelligent creatures in other planets.6. It is beneficial for the government to have some self-supporting regions.7. These specially equipped planes can fly to a speed of 1,500 miles an hour.8. Some people catch the long-nosed crocodile for food.9. There are unbreakable kitchen utensils.10. The Earth‟s station receives signals from Unidentified Flying Objects.11. The dogs are trained to detect the smell of the drinks.12. Poets usually find inspiration in the still of the night.13. A psychological approach to the problem seems more effective.14. Much fertile land forming the main food supplier is changed into settlement.15. As a young generation they should have the will to develop.16. Not every one agreed to his ideas stated inn the meeting. 17. The government‟s attempt to improve socio-economics condition of the people were not successful.18. We need more expert who can assist us in the development of science and technology.19. Most of the guests invited to the party were the rich.20. Some crucial and complicated world problems existing at present may bring abort World War III.​

Jawaban:1. S=Each developmental stage, P=is

2.S= caring mothers, P=uses

3. S=student living cost, P=is

4. S=It, P=is

5. S=Some scientists, P=believe

6. S=it, P=is

7. S=These specially equipped planes, P=can fly

8. S=some people, P=catch

9. S=There, P=are

10. S=The Earth's station, P=receives

11. S=The dogs, P=are trained

12. S=Poets, P=find

13. S=A psychological approach to the problem, P=seems

14. S=Much fertile land forming the main food supplier, P=is changed

15. S=they, P=should have

16. S=Not every one, P=agreed

17. S=The government's attempt to improve socio-economics condition of the people, P=were not successful

18. S=we, P=need

19. S=Most of the guests invited to the party, P=were

20. S=Some crucial and complicated world problems existing at present, P=may bring


13. Find the noun phrases Ini teh following sentences 1.each developmental stage is carefully Observed by experienced architects 2.charing mothers usually use soft skin pouder their babies 3.In big cities student's living cost is very high 4.It is very interesting to wacth the Changing clour of the sea at sundown 5.some scientists believe that there are extremely Intelligen crea tures in other planets 6.It is beneficial for the gevernment to have come self-supporting regions. 7.these specilly equipped Planes can fly of a sped of 1.500 miles an hour. 8.some people cathc The long-nosed crocodile for fod. 9.there are unbreakable kitchen utensils. 10.the earth's station receives signals from unidentified flying objects 11.The dogs are trined to detect the Smell Id teh dringks. 12.poets usually find inspiration in the Still id the night. 13.a psychological appoarch to the prolem seems more effective. 14.much fertile land forming the main food supplier Is changed into sentlement. 15.As a young the generation they should have the will to develop. 16.not every one aggred to his ideas stated inn the meeting. 17.the government's attempts to in prove socio-economochs condition of the people were not Succesful. 18.we need more expert who can assist us in the development of science and technology. 19.most of the guest invited to the party were the rich. 20.some crocial and complicated world problems existing at present may bring abort word war III.


Temukan frase nomina Ini adalah kalimat-kalimat berikut 1. Setiap tahap perkembangan diamati dengan cermat oleh arsitek berpengalaman 2. Ibu pengasuh biasanya menggunakan kulit lembut untuk mengerucutkan bayinya 3. Di kota-kota besar biaya hidup siswa sangat tinggi 4. Sangat menarik untuk dilihat Perubahan warna laut saat matahari terbenam 5. Beberapa ilmuwan percaya bahwa terdapat makhluk Intelligen yang sangat ekstrim di planet lain 6. Bermanfaat bagi pemerintah untuk datang ke daerah mandiri. 7. Pesawat yang dilengkapi spesifikasi ini dapat terbang dengan kecepatan 1.500 mil per jam. 8. beberapa orang cathc Buaya berhidung panjang untuk makanan. 9. ada peralatan dapur yang tidak bisa pecah. 10. stasiun bumi menerima sinyal dari benda terbang tak dikenal 11. anjg dilatih untuk mendeteksi bau minuman. 12. puisi biasanya menemukan inspirasi di Still id the night. 13. Pendamping psikologis bagi kaum profesional tampaknya lebih efektif. 14. Lahan yang sangat subur yang menjadi pemasok utama pangan diubah menjadi pemukiman. 15. Sebagai generasi muda mereka harus memiliki kemauan untuk berkembang. 16. tidak setiap orang setuju dengan ide-idenya yang dinyatakan dalam pertemuan. 17. Upaya pemerintah dalam membuktikan kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat tidak berhasil. 18. Kami membutuhkan lebih banyak tenaga ahli yang dapat membantu kami dalam pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. 19. Sebagian besar tamu yang diundang ke pesta itu adalah orang kaya. 20. Beberapa masalah dunia yang rumit dan rumit yang ada saat ini dapat menyebabkan kegagalan perang kata III.


semoga membantu

14. Find the noun phrases in the following sentences. 1. Each developmental stage is carefully observed by experienced architects. 2. Caring mothers usually use soft skin powder their babies. 3. In big cities student's living cost is very high 4. It is very interesting to watch the changing colour of the sea at sundown. 5. Some scientists believe that there are extremely intelligent creatures in other planets. 6. It is beneficial for the government to have some self-supporting regions. 7. These specially equipped planes can fly of a speed of 1,500 miles an hour. 8. Some people catch the long-nosed crocodile for food. 9. There are unbreakable kitchen utensils. 10. The Earth's station receives signals from Unidentified Flying Objects. 11. The dogs are trained to detect the smell of the drinks. 12. Poets usually find inspiration in the still of the night. 13. A psychological approach to the problem seems more effective. 14. Much fertile land forming the main food supplier is changed into settlement 15. As a young generation they should have the will to develop 16. Not every one agreed to his ideas stated inn the meeting. 17. The goverment's attempts to improve socio-economics condition of the people were not successful. 18. We need more expert who can assist us in the development of science and technology. 19. Most of the guests invited to the party were the rich. 20. Some crucial and complicated world problems existing at present may bring abort World War III


1. Each developmental stage is carefully observed by experienced architects.

2. Caring mothers usually use soft skin powder their babies.

3. In big cities, student's living cost is very high

4. It is very interesting to watch the changing colour of the sea at sundown.

5. Some scientists believe that there are extremely intelligent creatures in other  planets.

6. It is beneficial for the government to have some self-supporting regions.

7. These specially equipped planes can fly of a speed of 1,500 miles an hour.

8. Some people catch the long-nosed crocodile for food.

9. There are unbreakable kitchen utensils.

10. The Earth's station receives signals from Unidentified Flying Objects.

11. The dogs are trained to detect the smell of the drinks.

12. Poets usually find inspiration in the still of the night.

13. A psychological approach to the problem seems more effective.

14. Much fertile land forming the main food supplier is changed into settlement

15. As a young generation they should have the will to develop

16. Not every one agreed to his ideas stated in the meeting.

17. The goverment's attempts to improve socio-economics condition of the

people were not successful.

18. We need more expert who can assist us in the development of science and  technology.  

19. Most of the guests invited to the party were the rich.

20. Some crucial and complicated world problems existing at present may bring  abort World War III.


Noun Phrase adalah sebuah Noun baru yang dibentuk dari berbagai jenis kata yang dirangkai jadi satu.

15. My friends and I love to hang out together. We usually get together on weekends , and go to some places to have some fun. Usually we go to a mall or cinema to watch a movie. However, if there are no interesting places we can go to, we will make our own games and play them by ourselves joyously. The games we create are teamwork ones. we divide ourselves into two teams to play the games. We make all the rules, instructions, and punishment. Then, we will play our newly-created games and become closer through them. By making and playing our games together, we learn to cooperate, work in teams, and be responsible together. We also have so much fun doing it. I think this is one of the reason why our friendship is unbreakable.What is the advantage of making and playing their games by themselves according to the writer? aIt entertain themselves when they are bored bThey get some money from them. cThey are able to understand each other dIt makes the bond of their friendship stronger

d. it makes the bond of their friendship stronger,
karena di teks diberi penjelasan bahwa mereka membuat permainan itu untuk memperkuat hubungan pertemanan mereka yang dimana itu adalah suatu advantage (keuntungan) d. it makes the bond of their frienship stronger

16. Find the Subject – Predicator construction in the following sentences 1. Each developmental stage is carefully observed by experienced architects.2. Caring mothers usually use soft skin powder their babies.3. In big cities student‟s living cost is very high4. It is very interesting to watch the changing color of the sea at sundown.5. Some scientists believe that there are extremely intelligent creatures in other planets.6. It is beneficial for the government to have some self-supporting regions.7. These specially equipped planes can fly to a speed of 1,500 miles an hour.8. Some people catch the long-nosed crocodile for food.9. There are unbreakable kitchen utensils.10. The Earth‟s station receives signals from Unidentified Flying Objects.11. The dogs are trained to detect the smell of the drinks.12. Poets usually find inspiration in the still of the night.13. A psychological approach to the problem seems more effective.14. Much fertile land forming the main food supplier is changed intosettlement.15. As a young generation they should have the will to develop.16. Not every one agreed to his ideas stated inn the meeting. 17. The government‟s attempt to improve socio-economics condition of the people were not successful.18. We need more expert who can assist us in the development of science and technology.19. Most of the guests invited to the party were the rich.20. Some crucial and complicated world problems existing at present may bring abort World War III.​


somtinhk were ar do you kidinggg

17. My friend and I love to hang out together. We usually get together on the weekendsand go to some place to have some fun. Usually we go to a mall or cinema to watch aB.OurC.Itsthe Merak hotel....... is the largerst in town.D.ItQuestion 31 - 35 are based on the text below.movie. However if there are no interesting place we can go to ,we will make our ownWe also have so much fun doing it. I think this is one of the reasons why our frienshipgames and play them by ourselves joyously.games we create are teamwork ones. We divide ourselves into two teams to playthe games. We make all the rules.intsruction and punishments. Then, we will play ournewly – created games and become closer through them by making and playing ourgames together. We learn to cooperate, work in teams and be resposible togetherTheis unbreakable.B. MournA. Board games31. What does the writer and her friend love to do together....?A Hang out.C.Sleep over D. Study.32. What are the things that they make and play by themselves?B. ToysC.Games D.Fashion Items.33. The word joyously has similar meaning withA. Mournfully B.eerilyC.CrazilyD. happily34. We make all the rules instruction and punishment.The underlined word is refers to......A. The games playerB. My freind and I​


31) A. Hang out

32) C. Games

33) D. Happily

34) B. My friend and i


semoga membantu

18. Tolong kerjakan soal no 21-25 dari cerita ini​ Questions 21-25 are based on the text below My friends and I love to hang out together. We usually get together on the weekends, and go to some places to have some fun. Usually, we go to a mall or cinema to watch a movie. However, if there are no interesting places we can go to, we will make our own games and play them by ourselves joyously. The games we create are teamwork ones. We divide ourselves into two teams to play the games. We make all the rules, instructions, and punishments. Then, we will play our newly-created games and become closer through them. By making and playing our gamest ogether, we learn to cooperate, work in teams, and be resporsible together We also have so much fun doing it. I think this is one of the reasons why our friendship is unbreakable.Soalnya ada di gambar​


21. A. Hang out.

22. C. Games.

23. D. Happily.

24. B. My friend and I.

25. A. It make the bond of their friendship stronger.

19. What do these words mean? Use "it can" or "it can't".If something is ....1. washable, it can be washed.2. unbreakable, it can't ...3. edible, it ....4. unusable, it ....invisible, it ....6. portable, ....7. doable, ....8. drinkable, ....9. visible, ....10. audible, ....​


It can adalah sesuatu Hal yang bisa terjadi seperti Unbreakable it can’t be broken tidak bisa dihancurkan edible it dan be eaten edible itu bisa dimakan unusable it dan be USed invinsible it can’t be seen doable It can be done drinkable it can drinked visible it can be seen



1.washable, it can be washed.

2. unbreakable, it cant be breaked

3.edible, it can be eaten

4.unusable, it cant be used

5.portable, it can be moved.

6.doable, it can be done

7.drinkable it can be drunk.

8.visible, it can be seen.

9.audible, it can be heard.

semoga benar :v

20. What do these words mean? Use "it can" or "it can't".If something is ....1. Washable, it can be washed.2. Unbreakable, it can't ...3. Edible, it ....4. Unusable, it ....Invisible, it ....6. Portable, ....7. Doable, ....8. Drinkable, ....9. Visible, ....10. Audible, ....​


1. it can be washed.

2. it can't be broken.

3. it can be eaten.

4. it can't be used

5. it can't be seen

6. it can be moved

7. (?)

8. it can be drunk

9. it can be seen

10. it can be heared

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