Contoh Review Text Film Frozen

Contoh Review Text Film Frozen



intinya hidupnya bahagia,,

The film begins by showing the lives of harvesting ice in the mountains and along small Kristoff reindeer friend, Sven. The harvester recalled that the ice had magic powers and said that we must be careful to people who be frozen. Meanwhile, in the palace of the kingdom Arendelle, Princess Anna invites her sister Elsa small to play snow. Elsa has issued a magic power of ice and snow. When the second daughter making a snowman and play ice in the palace, accidentally Elsa about Anna's head with a blast of ice that made her swoon. Because of this, a little part of Anna graying hair. The king and queen are panicking. They brought Anna and Elsa meet the trolls in the forest to heal Anna. Old troll named Grand Pabbie take on magic memory Anna Elsa. He also reminded Elsa that fear will be the greatest enemy. Because of the incident, the king closed the castle from the outside world. No one should know about the magic power of Elsa. Elsa isolated from the outside world in his room. Elsa was always wear gloves. Anna is no longer able to meet with Elsa because Elsa always closed the door.
. Finally, they also play ice skating outside the palace Arendelle happily.

2. contoh text review film london love story

Film ini mengunggulkan romantisme yang salah satunya terukir melalui dialognya. Dialog yang romantis ini mungkin saja memang mampu membuat penikmatnya merasa terhanyut dan terbawa perasaan jika dibaca melalui novelnya. Tetapi sayangnya, keindahan kata-kata tersebut tidak mampu disajikan dengan baik melalui filmnya sehingga justru tampak seperti kata-kata gombal murahan belaka. Berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi kegagalan romantisme tersebut. Pertama, akting dari para pemain yang belum cukup baik. Untuk melakukan adegan seperti bercanda dan bermanja-manja, dua pemeran utama, Dimas Anggara dan Michelle Ziudith sudah cukup baik membawakannya, namun ketika mereka mengucapkan dialog yang romantis – yang seharusnya membuat penonton terbawa perasaan – mereka tampak kaku atau setidaknya terlihat sekali bahwa tidak terbiasa mengucapkan kata-kata manis tingkat tinggi seperti itu. Dalam mengungkapkan perasaan dan alasannya tentang hubungan percintaan yang menjadi topik utama cerita, aktor dan aktris pun tidak bisa menampilkannya secara natural. Ada pemeran yang membawakannya dengan akting yang berlebihan dan ada pemeran lain yang membawakannya dengan kurang pendalaman sehingga tampak kaku. Begitu juga dengan adegan-adegan yang seharusnya ditampilkan dengan maksimal untuk menggambarkan begitu sempurnanya sosok Caramel sebagai perempuan pujaan hati. Tidak maksimalnya adegan-adegan ini tampak seperti proses pembuatan film yang ‘asal jadi’ saja. Kehadiran Dion Wiyoko yang diunggulkan pun tidak memberikan kontribusi yang penting. Untung saja, kehadiran Ramzi mampu memberikan hiburan selain karena karakternya yang memang memberikan sentuhan humor, aktingnya memang cukup baik berkaitan juga dengan pengalamannya yang lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan pemeran-pemeran lain.

3. contoh review text film dalam bahasa inggris beserta artinya

Review Laskar Pelangi
Laskar Pelangi (English: The Rainbow Troops) is a 2008 Indonesian film adapted from the popular same titled novel by Andrea Hirata. The movie follows a group of 10 schoolchildren and their two inspirational teachers as they struggle with poverty and develop hopes for the future in Gantong Village on the farming and tin mining island of Belitung off the east coast of Sumatra. The film is the highest grossing in Indonesian box office history and won a number of local and international awards.

The movie, set in the 1970s, opens on the first day of the year at a Muhammadiyah elementary school on Belitung. The school needs 10 students but is one short until near the end of the day, when a straggler fills out the ranks for their teachers, Muslimah and Harfan. Muslimah dubs the children “The Rainbow Troops” (sometimes translated as “The Rainbow Warriors”) and the movie traces their development and relationships with the teachers.
Background and impact

The film “reportedly” cost 8 billion rupiah (US$890,000) to make and was a year in production. Most of the child actors in the film are from Belitung, and Producer Mira Lesmana explained that choice by saying: “In my opinion, there won’t be any actors with a deeper connection to the roles than those who were born and lived in Belitong their entire life.”

The Bangka Belitung Provincial government declared some of the locations used in the film as areas of importance to culture and tourism in 2010, and provincial tourism chief Yan Megawandi said the decision was “primarily” made to help raise funds for the Muhammadiyah elementary school on which the film and novel’s story are centered.

The film’s local and international success fueled a tourism boom on Belitung, with Indonesian airline Garuda reopening direct service from Jakarta to Tanjung Pandan, Belitung’s capital. A provincial government official that month said he had no hard data on the increase in tourist arrivals as a result of the film, but said that nearly all seats on flights to the island from Jakarta were booked in the first week it was open and that most arrivals were asking about information on how to visit the film’s locations.

Laskar Pelangi (bahasa Inggris: The Rainbow Troops) adalah sebuah film Indonesia tahun 2008 yang diadaptasi dari novel berjudul sama populer karya Andrea Hirata. Film mengikuti sekelompok anak-anak 10 sekolah dan dua guru inspiratif karena mereka berjuang dengan kemiskinan dan mengembangkan harapan untuk masa depan di desa Gantong pertanian dan timah pertambangan pulau Belitung lepas pantai Timur Sumatra. Film adalah terlaris tertinggi dalam sejarah kantor box Indonesia dan memenangkan sejumlah penghargaan lokal dan internasional.

Film, ditetapkan pada tahun 1970, terbuka pada hari pertama tahun di sekolah dasar Muhammadiyah di Belitung. Sekolah kebutuhan 10 siswa tetapi adalah salah satu yang pendek sampai pada penghujung hari, ketika straggler mengisi jajaran untuk guru, Muslimah dan Harfan. Muslimah dubs anak-anak “The Rainbow Troops” (kadang-kadang diterjemahkan sebagai “The Rainbow prajurit”) dan film jejak perkembangan mereka dan hubungan dengan guru-guru.
Latar belakang dan dampak

Film “dilaporkan” biaya 8 milyar rupiah (US$ 890,000) untuk membuat dan setahun dalam produksi. Sebagian anak aktor dalam film dari Belitung, dan produser Mira Lesmana menjelaskan pilihan itu dengan berkata: “Menurut pendapat saya, tidak akan ada setiap aktor dengan hubungan yang lebih dalam peran daripada mereka yang lahir dan tinggal di Belitong seumur hidup mereka.”

Pemerintah Provinsi Bangka Belitung menyatakan beberapa lokasi yang digunakan dalam film sebagai daerah-daerah penting budaya dan Pariwisata di tahun 2010, dan kepala pariwisata Provinsi Yan Megawandi berkata “terutama” keputusan untuk membantu mengumpulkan dana untuk sekolah dasar Muhammadiyah di mana film dan novel ini cerita yang berpusat.

Kesuksesan film lokal dan internasional memicu ledakan pariwisata di Belitung, dengan maskapai penerbangan Indonesia Garuda pembukaan kembali layanan langsung dari Jakarta ke Tanjung Pandan, Belitung modal. Seorang pejabat pemerintah provinsi bulan itu mengatakan ia telah tidak ada data keras pada peningkatan kedatangan turis sebagai hasil dari film, tetapi mengatakan bahwa hampir semua kursi di penerbangan ke pulau dari Jakarta yang dipesan di minggu pertama terbuka dan bahwa kebanyakan pendatang yang bertanya tentang informasi tentang cara untuk mengunjungi lokasi film.

Smoga membantu^^

4. Sebutkan 7 hal atau sesuatu yang sering di Review ? (selain review gadget dan review film)

1) Novel / Buku
2) Barang Elektronik
3) Gaya hidup
4) Keadaan suatu tempat
5) Tempat wisata
6) Pakaian
7) Media Sosialmakanan
buku novel

5. Buatlah review text film beauty and the beast dan film baby bos

Beauty and The Beast adalah film fantasi musikal tahun 2017 yang di produksi oleh Walt Disney Picture. Film ini dibintangi oleh Emma Waston, stevens, dan bintang yang ini dirilis pada tanggal 17 maret 2017.

Boss Baby adalah film 3D dari amerika serikat yang bergenre komedi yang diangkat dari buku yang berjudul sama terbitan 2010. Film ini diproduksi oleh dream work animation.

Kurang lebih sih gitu

6. Tlong Buatlah Contoh Singkat dari Text Review.

this phone is so has a massive amount of storage.and it has a 15 megapixels camera that made photo really good.and the ram of this phone is 8gb such a big thing it has in here.the protection corning gorilla glass will save this phone from breaking.this phone is the best phone ive ever seen.

7. contoh review text cerita malin kundang

malin kundang merantau setelah dia sukses dan akhirnya dia kembali dan melihat ada ibu tua yg ternyata dia adalah ibu kandunya tapi malin tidak mau mengakuinya akhirnya malin di kutuk menjadi batu oleh ibunya

8. Review movie frozen...

artinya mengulang film bekuArtinya mengecek atau mengulang film beku

9. contoh review film singkat

this film is so good, its make me really happy that my dong won't turn on anymore :)

10. Contoh review text laskar pelangi

Book Title: Laskar PelangiAuthor: Andrea HirataPublisher: The Library LandscapeThick book: 534 page

The novel work of Andrea Hirata with a thick book of 534 pages contains a very interesting story. The storyis in this Novel is the true story of an author in pursuit of his dream to the French State. This lively storytouted to be used as a very interesting Film by renowned Director Mira Lesmana and Riri Riza. This novel is able to make the reader feel like drifting and carried into the story inside.Andrea Hirata is someone who likes to dream in the run of his life. However, the dream she would try tobecome a reality. In the Novel she’s more telling about his past in Belitong. So the story is in this Novel is true – true is the same as the original place of the occurrence of the incident.The language style of Andrea Hirata is considered good style and very interesting, in it besides usingIndonesian Language also use Malay language which makes the reader look a little confusion and having toguess what the intent of the language. However, in every sense of the Malay language used there is alwaysthe lowest dikalimat, so after reading the sense of the language we can digest the Malay language was once again a little less understandable.There is a Groove in the Novel is a mix of Groove, but the more dominant plot forward. The author uses a first person perspective, because the author is a flagship store in this story. So that‘s the story for readerscurious so would like to finish reading it. The novel contains many useful mandate for its readers. Andrea Hirata teaches us not to despair, in advance if they wish to achieve the desired dream.The way the author describes a character – character in the story is different in a way commonly used byother Authors.The main character of the story is named Curls he was a boy – a tough boy, clever, brave, and want to learn for the sake of a dream that like to diwujudkannya. The character of latitude is a boy – a very smartboy, genius, daring, but because of the keadaanlah that makes him dropping out of school. Figure Maharwas a boy – smart boy singing, intelligent, and like against it – things unseen (mystery), Bu Mus is a woman who is very good, wise, and a well-loved teacher pupil – student, and many others.Story in Laskar Pelangi begins from the life of a boy named Curls who started the school with have to waitten children who want to attend school, in school the curls. With anxious Curls, Sahara, Trapani, Leek, one day, Mahar, latitude, Borek, A kiong, Bu Mus, Harfan Pack, and the parents waiting if there is one more person who would like to attend school in the primary Muhamaddiyah if not up to ten children, then they will not be able to attend school. Because, SD Muhamaddiyah will finish it. They wait for such a long timefinally a man witty was fifteen years old and somewhat retarded mentality saved his friend’s also ninthelementary school Muhamaddiyah. Curls and friends-his friend is very happy, finally they can attend schoolin the primary Muhamaddiyah to achieve the dreams and ideals of condolences with friends – his friend inBelitong.The interesting thing about this Novel is able to resurrect us not to despair if easy, wanted to achieve a dream. Taught us so well against a fellow friend and want to help each other. In the novel, Andrea Hirataslipped a clever questions that continue to be implied, from the beginning of the story until the end of the story there is a meaning in Malay language and how to read it. However, with all its beauty andkelebihannnya, this Novel makes its readers got a little trouble because of the Malay language, the phraseand khiasan in the sentence makes this story a little bit feels hard. However, this story remains alluring and filled with the message payload can be contemplated and translated with deeper

11. contoh teks review dalam naskah drama atau film

contoh :
Laskar Pelangi (bahasa Inggris: The Rainbow Troops) adalah sebuah film Indonesia tahun 2008 yang diadaptasi dari novel berjudul sama populer karya Andrea Hirata. Film mengikuti sekelompok anak-anak 10 sekolah dan dua guru inspiratif karena mereka berjuang dengan kemiskinan dan mengembangkan harapan untuk masa depan di desa Gantong pertanian dan timah pertambangan pulau Belitung lepas pantai Timur Sumatra. Film adalah terlaris tertinggi dalam sejarah kantor box Indonesia dan memenangkan sejumlah penghargaan lokal dan internasional.

Film, ditetapkan pada tahun 1970, terbuka pada hari pertama tahun di sekolah dasar Muhammadiyah di Belitung. Sekolah kebutuhan 10 siswa tetapi adalah salah satu yang pendek sampai pada penghujung hari, ketika straggler mengisi jajaran untuk guru, Muslimah dan Harfan. Muslimah dubs anak-anak “The Rainbow Troops” (kadang-kadang diterjemahkan sebagai “The Rainbow prajurit”) dan film jejak perkembangan mereka dan hubungan dengan guru-guru.
Latar belakang dan dampak

Film “dilaporkan” biaya 8 milyar rupiah (US$ 890,000) untuk membuat dan setahun dalam produksi. Sebagian anak aktor dalam film dari Belitung, dan produser Mira Lesmana menjelaskan pilihan itu dengan berkata: “Menurut pendapat saya, tidak akan ada setiap aktor dengan hubungan yang lebih dalam peran daripada mereka yang lahir dan tinggal di Belitong seumur hidup mereka.”

Pemerintah Provinsi Bangka Belitung menyatakan beberapa lokasi yang digunakan dalam film sebagai daerah-daerah penting budaya dan Pariwisata di tahun 2010, dan kepala pariwisata Provinsi Yan Megawandi berkata “terutama” keputusan untuk membantu mengumpulkan dana untuk sekolah dasar Muhammadiyah di mana film dan novel ini cerita yang berpusat.

Kesuksesan film lokal dan internasional memicu ledakan pariwisata di Belitung, dengan maskapai penerbangan Indonesia Garuda pembukaan kembali layanan langsung dari Jakarta ke Tanjung Pandan, Belitung modal. Seorang pejabat pemerintah provinsi bulan itu mengatakan ia telah tidak ada data keras pada peningkatan kedatangan turis sebagai hasil dari film, tetapi mengatakan bahwa hampir semua kursi di penerbangan ke pulau dari Jakarta yang dipesan di minggu pertama terbuka dan bahwa kebanyakan pendatang yang bertanya tentang informasi tentang cara untuk mengunjungi lokasi film.
dalam film(mimpi sejuta dollar)

Sutradara : Hestu Saputra
Produser : Dhamoo Punjabi, Manoj Punjabi
Pemeran : Chelsea Islan, Dion Wiyoko, Kimberly Ryder, Ferry Salim, Niniek L Karim, Sellen Fernandez, Mike Muliyandro, Chyntia Lamusu
Studio : MD Pictures
Tanggal rilis : December 24, 2014
Durasi : 105 Menit
Negara : Singapore, Indonesia


Merry Riana adalah pengusaha wanita muda, penulis, dan motivator yang sukses. Kisah hidupnya diceritakan dalam film “Merry Riana (Mimpi Sejuta Dolar), yang diadaptasi dari bukunya dengan judul yang sama. Film ini memvisualisasikan bagaimana ia berjuang untuk bertahan dari kesulitan hidup dan menjadi sukses.


Kerusuhan yang terjadi di Jakarta dan kota besar lainnya di Indonesia pada Mei 1998 membuat Merry Riana terpaksa mengungsi ke Singapura. Ayah Merry Riana memutuskan untuk mengirimkan anaknya ke Singapura karena takut dengan kondisi yang sedang tidak aman. Merry Riana pergi sendirian dengan bekal uang yang hanya cukup untuk beli makanan selama lima hari. Beruntungnya, ia bertemu dengan sahabatnya, Irene, yang ingin melanjutkan kuliah di universitas yang ada di sana juga. Dengan bantuan Irene, Merry bisa tinggal di asrama dan diterima di salah satu perguruan tinggi terbaik di sana. Tetapi, itu semua baru bisa dapat bila Merry membayar $40,000. Satu-satunya harapan adalah mengambil pinjaman mahasiswa, yang hanya bisa didapat jika Merry memiliki seorang penjamin. Kemudian, Merry bertemu dengan seniornya, Alva. Ia adalah orang yang sangat perhitungan. Ia memberi segala macam syarat sebelum akhirnya setuju untuk menolong Merry. Ia juga menyuruh Meery mencari kerja sambilan. Merry sadar bahwa ia harus sukses secepatnya. Segala macam pekerjaan ia kerjakan, mulai dari menyebar brosur bisnis online, sampai bermain saham beresiko tinggi. Kondisi ekonominya pun naik turun. Kemelut cinta pun terjadi ketika Alva menyatakan perasaan padanya, sementara Merry tahu betul bahwa Irene tengah jatuh cinta pada Alva.


Akting Chelsea Islan (Merry Riana) dalam film ini sangat bagus. Ia mampu memainkan peran sebagai Merry Riana dengan sangat baik. Tetapi, film ini akan menjadi lebih bagus jika tidak ada adegan ciuman.


Saya pikir ini adalah film yang inspiratif yang bisa memotivasi orang-orang untuk sukses di usia muda. Hal ini membawa semangat yang baik bagi pemuda-pemuda di Indonesia. Penulis skrip dalam film ini juga berhasil membawa seraingkaian konflik yang membuat jalan cerita menjadi lebih hidup.

maaf kalau salah:)

12. Buatlah contoh descriptive text tentang Ana yang ada di Frozen

Anna is a princess of Arendelle. She is beautiful girl. She has fair skin, light freckles, Long strawberry-blonde in braided pigtails. She is slender. She is fearless, free-spirited, warm, kind, playful, and optimistic. She is also talkative, Adventurous, Loving, Intelligent, and Clumsy. She likes her family, Romance, freedom, chocolate, having fun with Elsa ( Her sister, The Queen ), and Olaf. She dislikes being alone, the castle gate are closed, Shut doors in her face, Rudeness, and wolves. She is the newest in Disney Princess.

semoga membantu, jadikan yang terbaik. terimakasih

13. contoh review text about art works

Whether or not this religious inspiration is true, it is known that the piece is not the only Starry Nightpainting that Van Gogh ever created. Gogh was quite proud of a piece he had painted earlier in Arles in 1888 that depicted stars reflecting in the Rhone River. Like Starry Night this previous piece shares many of the qualities that have made Starry Nightsuch a popular painting. For instance:

The stars in the night sky are surrounded with their own orb of light.The Reflection of artificial light (new to the time period) from Arles in the river makes the one's eyes move around the painting; thus keeping the viewer visually involved.There are structures in the distant lit up in a warm glow of light.

Starry Night over the Rhone contains one final aspect that is not featured in the Starry Night piece; humans. In the bottom right corner of the painting there is a couple walking along the river. This gives the painting a down to earth feel with a natural quality. Although this painting is not nearly as popular as the seconded Starry Night piece, it still creates a pleasurable and life like environment to look at. It is also resides as a very sought after piece when it is placed with Starry Night and the following painting to create a montage of Van Gogh's Starry Night works.

14. contoh teks review film doraemon bahasa inggris

Doraemon Please Help me .

15. contoh review text hasil sendiri?

MOVIE REVIEW Title : 2012 Genre : Science Fiction / Action / Drama Director : Roland Emmerich Year : November 13th 2009 Duration : 2 hours 40 minnutes Stars : John Cusack, Amanda Peet
2012 is Roland Emmerich's film which uses the Mayan calendar and other end-of-days prophecies for their doomsday scenario. In the Mayan calendar indirectly implied live on earth will be destroyed at the end of the year 2012. It imagines the world coming to an end in 2012. And the world is in ruin.

2012 film brings off a series of wonders. It starts when John Cusack drives a limo through the streets of Los Angeles as freeways and skyscrapers crumble all around him from the shock of a 10.5 earthquake. The climax occurs aboard the giant ark, when an equipment malfunction almost threatens the entire mission. Some people say this film is very great. Because the images on the film looks like real. combined with good sound effects, making this film was intense. therefore, this film received a very high rating. I think this movie is perfect, with a combination of music and images on film. This film also suitable to watch with the family when the holidays.

16. contoh soal review text

This series is based on a true story of a girl named Aya Kito who was stricken by a cruel disease called Spinocerebellar Degeneration. This disease affects Aya’s nervous system and as the name’s suggest, it poses a degeneration of her movement, and will eventually affect her mobility, speech and even her ability to eat. The theme of this series is very depressing but the overall tone is very heartwarming. Aya Kite’s diary was made into a best-selling book and the series follows her sufferings as she struggles to find hope, strength and courage to face such a devastating disease.

1.            What is the most suitable title for the text? a.       The Spinocerebellar Degeneration               d.   The tear jerking scene b.      The legend of Aya Kito                               e.   Aya Kito’s true story c.       Aya Kito’s suffering

jawabannya :E

17. Contoh review text tentang produk kosmetik

this face mask is really good, i definitely recommend it for people with dry skin. Mainly because of how hydrating and moisturizing the product is. It is also cheaper than most face mask, but still the same quality. i highly recommend it  

18. Tolong buatin text narrative tentang film/dongeng Frozen dong

   Once upon a time, there were a widow and her son                  They lived on the west coast of minangkabau. They were   very poor. They got their food by selling branches gathered by her son Malin kundang from the forest. They felt happy. Every day when his mother went to the market, he went to the coast. He felt lonely in his heart. He wanted to become      a captain of a big ship.                                                                     “ Uhh....Life is so hard...How long will this last???”               “Take care my son,may god bless you.”                                   “You are right mom,I want some changes, would you let me               go away and try my fortune???”                                   “Yeah...My son, I always support you.”                         “Thanks,mom. Please pray for me. I’ll be back as a rich man.   I promise and everything changed.”       One day, A ship came into the coast. Malin ran to the ship and saw the captain of the ship ordering his men. He dressed in a beautiful clothes and he smoked a nice cigarette. When the captain saw Malin kundang, he called him.“come here  my boy! What are you doing here? Would you like to work in my ship?”   Of course he liked very much. after a few hours the ship left  the coast. His mother was very sad, because he was her only son. She didn’t want to die before her son came back.       Time passed by, Malin kundang became a great and a rich man.                                                                                              “Malin you are great and rich now, would you marry my daughter?”                                                                                      “It’s an honor, sir. She is the best girl I’ve ever met in my life.”         A few days later....                                                                “Indeed it’s mine, shall we go on a trip for our honey moon?” “This is the hapiest day in my life, it’s a good idea!”       One day, A big ship came into the coast. How suprised   the widow was when she know that the captain of the ship was  her own son. She rushed to the harbour, crying “Malin, Malin kundang my son..” When she came near, Malin kundang  the captain of the ship ordered his man to stop her. “Malin, don’t  you remember me? I am your mother, I am so happy to see you again.”                                                            “Who are you? Poor old woman? I don’t know you, Don’t pretend to be my mother, go away!!!”        His mother was very angry with her son.                              “My god!!! How could you say that? I can’t take this anywhere. God will punish you,malin. I have been waiting for your coming safely, but you don’t like your poor mother     like me . The sea will swallow you!!! I curse you turn into a stone!!!”       Not long after that, A big storm wrecked his ship, and finally Malin kundang became a stone.
                                   Love story of Cinderella
In the past era , there was a beautiful young girl named Cinderella . He lived with his mother and two sisters . mother and sister arrogant and bad tempered . They treated Cinderella very badly . Step mother made Cinderella do the hardest job in the house , such as scrubbing the floor , cleaning the pot and pan and preparing food for the family . Second step sister , on the other hand , does not work on the house . Their mother gave them many handsome dresses to wear. One day , two half-brothers received an invitation to the ball that the king 's son would give at the palace.
 They were excited about this and spent so much time choosing the dresses they would wear . Finally , the ball came , and away went the sisters . Cinderella could not help crying after they left . Why are crying , Cinderella ? the voice asked . He looked up and saw her fairy godmother standing beside her , because I wanted to go to the ball Cinderella . Well godmother said , you've been such a cheerful , hardworking , uncomplaining girl that I will see that you go to the ball . Magic , fairy godmother turned a pumpkin into a coach and mice into a smooth two coachman and footman . Her godmother tapped Cinderella's dress with her wand , and it became a beautiful ball gown .
 Then he gave her a pair of pretty glass slippers . Now , Cinderella , she said , you have to go before midnight . Then he drove away a wonderful coach . Cinderella had a marvelous time either . She danced again and again with the king 's son . Suddenly the clock began to strike twelve , she ran toward the door as fast as he could do . In her hurry , one of her glass slipper behind . A few days later , the child king declared that he would marry the girl whose feet fitted the glass slipper . Stepsisters try on shoes but it was too small for them , no matter how hard they squeezed their toes into it .
 In the end , the king's page let Cinderella try the shoes. He stretched his legs and slipped the shoes on the page . It fitted perfectly . Finally , he was ushered into a magnificent palace and height . Young kings were glad to see him again . They marry and live happily ever after . end of story Cinderela no longer with his mother and brothers sisters.

19. buatlah contoh text narrative discussion dan review?

We often hear about solar cars, solar heating, and solar batteries. But will solar energy ever be a major source of energy for society? Solar energy is cheaper than other fossil fuels because we can get an abundant source from the sun. In sunny desert areas, 50% of the sun's radiation that reaches the ground could be used to produce electricity for business and industry and to provide heat, light, and hot water for homes. Experimental solar ponds can also produce hot water to drive generators. 
Unfortunately, we can't yet power our homes entirely on sunlight. Solar energy can be used effectively in bright light. Its greatest potential therefor is in hot country that have clear skies for most of the year. But, unfortunately most houses are not in the sunniest part of the world. Moreover, in order to harness power solar cells are very cheap to run, but relatively expensive to buy and many people can't afford them. 
Needless to say, solar energy is useful and non-pollution source of energy. Unfortunately, solar cells, the main device to harness the sun's energy are still very expensive. 

20. contoh review film""""​

Spongebob upin Dan upin Mr bean

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