Assembled Artinya

The parts of the furniture ... using a screwdriver at the moment. A) is assembled B) are assembled C) is being assembled D) are being assembled E) have assembeled

Daftar Isi

1. The parts of the furniture ... using a screwdriver at the moment. A) is assembled B) are assembled C) is being assembled D) are being assembled E) have assembeled


The parts of the furniture ... using a screwdriver at the moment.
A) is assembled
B) are assembled
C) is being assembled
D) are being assembled <== answer
E) have assembeled

D. Are being assembled 


2. Simon Corp. makes an unassembled chair that sells for $20. Product costs are $8 per chair. The product line manager suggests that Simon Corp. should instead sell an assembled chair, as revenues will be higher. Specifically, the market price for this chair is $25. The cost of assembly is $4. Which of the following statements is true? 1 point The company should sell the assembled chair because revenues per chair are $5 higher. The company should not sell the assembled chair because costs per chair are $4 higher. The company should sell the assembled chair because the $5 in incremental revenue is greater than the $4 in incremental costs. The company should sell the assembled chair because the costs of assembly are irrelevant.


The correct statement is: The company should sell the assembled chair because the $5 in incremental revenue is greater than the $4 in incremental costs.

By selling the assembled chair, Simon Corp. will receive a higher price per chair ($25) compared to the unassembled chair ($20). However, the company will also incur additional costs for assembly ($4 per chair). In order to determine whether the company should sell the assembled chair, we need to compare the incremental revenue (the difference in revenue between the assembled and unassembled chairs) to the incremental costs (the difference in costs between the assembled and unassembled chairs). In this case, the incremental revenue is $5 ($25 - $20) and the incremental costs are $4 ($4 - $0). Since the incremental revenue is greater than the incremental costs, it makes sense for the company to sell the assembled chair because the company will generate a higher profit by doing so.

3. "in the morning, all the servants (assembled) once more the hall".the underlined word has the closest meaning with:


gathering, construction, fabrication, meeting place.

ThanksGathering,Meeting,Meet back, Come back

4. Write the question forms1.Molly bought a new printer last week ………………………..……………………………………………….………..?2.We listed all the customers’ addresses two weeks ago. ………………………………………………………………………………….?3.They kept all the documents last year. ………………………………………….………………………………………?4.He sent the packets to his house two days ago……………………………………………………………………………5.I sold my car last year…………………………………………………………….………………6.He told me the good news yesterday…………………………………………….……………….………………7.They made the program six months ……………………………………………………………….……………8.We applied this system a year ago.…………………………………………………………………………..…9.The students assembled these computers last year.…………………………………………………………………………..… 10.He left the documents open.…………………………………………………………………………..…​


1.when Molly bought her new printer?

2.who listed all the customer 2 week's ago?

3.what they keep in last year?

4.who sent the packets 2 day ago?

5.when you sold your car?

6.yesterday what he told to me?

7.what did they make to spend 6 months?

8.when we applied this system?

9.who assembled these computer in last year?

10.who left the documents open?


maaf kalo salah

5. On 12th February 1884, Waterman …fountain pen on his name, and at first, he assembled pens himself.A. patentB. patentedC. has patentedD. have patentedE. has been patenting​


B. patented


Maaf kalo salah .kalo salah Mabar ff ok

6. Watch the world's most sophisticated aircraft be built before your eyes at the Boeing factory in mukilteo. If you are curious to know about it, you shoud explore the dynamics of flight and experience new aviation innovation. Go behind the scenes at Boeing to watch the very same jets you may one day be a passenger on being assembled

Lihatlah pesawat paling canggih di dunia ini dibangun di depan mata anda di pabrik Boeing di mukilteo. Jika anda ingin tahu tentang hal itu, anda harus menjelajahi dinamika penerbangan dan mengalami penemuan baru di bidang penerbangan. Pergi ke belakang layar di Boeing untuk menonton pesawat jet yang sama mungkin suatu hari anda akan menjadi penumpang jet yang tengah dirakit.

7. Change the passive into active ! Example : Passive: the is painted by andin ( simple present) Active : andin paints the house ( simple present) 1. Passive: the machine is checked by joko ( simple present) Active : .... 2. Passive: calculator is being used by susi ( simple continuous) Active: .... 3.passive: the song will be sung by the students ( simple future) Active: ... 4.passive : the computer has been assembled ny technician ( s peefect) Active: ... 5.passive: the applicant letter is done by students ( simple present) Active : ...​


1. joko checked the machine

2. susi used the calculator

3. the students will be sing the song

4. the technician has been assemble the computer

5. the students has done the applicant letter

i hope it helps


Joko checks the machineSusi is using calculatorthe students will sing the songtechnician has assembled the computerstudents do the applicant letter


Passivevoicedimana subyek tidak melakukan aksi, objek yg dikenai aksi. Subyek menjadi obyek, dan obyek menjadi subyek.

Activevoicedimana subyek melakukan aksi, objek yg menerima tindakan dari subyek.


Subject + Verb.1/V.1+s + Object


Subject + ls,am,are + V.1 + ing + Object


Subject + will + V.1 + object


Subject + have/has + V.3 + Object

SimplepresentPassive,kita gunakan ls,am,are dan Verb 3

Continuous Passive,ls,am,are + being + V3

Future,Will + be + V.3

Perfect tense,Have/has + been + V.3

8. anyone help?9. (A) a (B) an (C) the (D( its10.(A) collected (B )assembled (C) raised (D) secured11.(A) open (B) penetrate (C) pump (D) tap12.(A) forbid (B) prevent (C) foil (D) bar13.(A) onto (B) into (C) in (D) inside14.(A) thicken (B) clot (C) curdle (D)swell15.(A) outside (B )away (C) in (D) out 16.(A) range (B) cover (C )differ (D) fluctuate17.(A )colours (B) reference (C )hints (D) hinting18. (A )active (B) tough (C )healthy (D) fit​​


9. C. the

10. A. collected

11. C. pump

12. B. prevent

13. B. into

14. A. thicken

15. D. out

16. A. range

17. C. hints

18. C. healthy

9. Tolong Dong translatin yg bner + Main paragraphnya. watch the world's most sophisticated aircraft be built before your eyes at the boeing factory in mukilteo. Explore the dynamics of flight and experience new aviation innovation. Go behind the scenes at Boeing to watch the very same jets you may one day be a passenger on being assembled

menonton pesawat paling canggih di dunia akan dibangun di depan mata Anda di pabrik boeing di mukilteo. Jelajahi dinamika penerbangan dan mengalami inovasi penerbangan baru. Pergi kebelakang Boeing Skenario untuk melihat Jet yang paling sama dan mungkin suatu hari kamu akan menjandi penumpang

#Sorry kalo salah

10. carilah -simple present tense-adjectives-general nouns-action verb-technical terms Dalam teks berikut : Rubik's CubeRubik's cube is a puzzle toy that is in the shape of a cube and contains pieces of a small cube with six different colored sides.Rubik's cube was designed by Erno Rubik, an architect and professor at the Budapest University in 1974. Rubik's cube has 6 colors namely red, orange, blue, green, white, and yellow. the people who created the solution to solve the rubik were Lars Petrus, Jessica Fridich, and Shotaro Makisumi. There are two kinds of Rubik’s cube, DIY and Original Rubik’s cube. DIY (Do It Yourself) Rubik’s cube is the cube that can be assembled and modified by ourselves. The second type is Original Rubik’s cube or we can call Ori Rubik. Ori Rubik is the cube that can’t be assembled or modified by ourselves. ​


beautiful handsome Big small


yang ejektif nya y

11. Tolong artikan"watch the world's most sophisticated aircraft be built before your eyes at the boeing factory in mukilteo,if you are curious to know about it you should explore the dynamics of flight and experience new aviation innovation.Go behind the scenes at boeibg to watch the very same jets you may one day be a passenger on being assembled


saksikan pesawat tercanggih di dunia dibangun di depan mata Anda di pabrik boeing di mukilteo, jika Anda penasaran ingin mengetahuinya, Anda harus menjelajahi dinamika penerbangan dan merasakan inovasi penerbangan baru. Pergi ke belakang layar di boeibg untuk menyaksikan hal yang sama jet Anda suatu hari nanti bisa menjadi penumpang saat sedang dirakit.


anda=kamu ngertikan kaka

12. This week I work 2nd shift. I work as a painting operator. every day I paint the items to be ASSEMBLED AT other departmentPreposition :  work as​

Jawaban: painting operator

Penjelasan:i work as painting operator: saya berkerja sebagai Operator lukisan

13. ubah kalimat berikut ke dalam kalimat passive dan atau active 1. he encourages buyers to bid higher figures2. they are conducted by an officially apprived auctioneer3. he ask the crowd assembled in the auction room4. this is called "knocing down" the goods.5. the auctioneer bangs a small hammer on a table.6. an auction is advertised.7. catdogues are printedtolong ya mau dibahas sebentarmakasih

1. Buyers are encouraged to bid higher figures 
2. An officially approved auctioneer conducts the buyer 
3. The crowd is asked to assemble in the auction room. 
4. (kurang tau)
5.  A small hammer is banged by the auctioneer. 
6. Someone advertises an auction. 
7. Someone prints the catalog. 

semoga dapat membantu  

14. Tolong..... Carikan mana yang direct object dan mana yang indirect object.1. Becky baked Bernice a plateful of cookies.2. Her mom brought a glassful of seashells for her.3. In art class, I made my roommate a sculpture. 4. Marcia gave her sister a sidelong stare. 5. Can we tell the story of how we met to our friends? 6. The sun gave the garden a pocketful of sunshine. 7. Seamus assembled a brand new office chair for Marie. 8. His dad offered his ‘69 Chevelle to him for his 30th birthday. tolong dong nanti selasa dikumpulin​


Contoh Kalimat Direct Object

1 Rezky teaches math. –> teaches what?

(Rezky mengajar matematika. –> mengajar apa?)

2 I have read the journal. —> have read what?

(Saya telah membaca jurnal. –> telah membaca apa?)

3 She called her mother. –> called whom?

(Dia menelepon ibunya. –> menelepon siapa?)


Contoh Kalimat Indirect Object

1 The manager gave him no choice. –> Gave no choice to whom?

(Manager tidak memberi dia pilihan. –> tidak memberi pilihan kepada siapa?)

2 My uncle donated his salary to charity. –> Donated his salary to what?

(Paman saya mendonasikan gajinya untuk amal. –> donasi gaji dia untuk apa?)

Jadi , Jawaban nya

1. Direct Object

2. Indirect Object

3. Indirect Object

4. Direct Object

5. Indirect Object

6. Direct Object

7. Direct Object

8. Direct Object

15. Write the question forms Molly bought a new printer last week ………………………..……………………………………………….………..? We listed all the customers’ addresses two weeks ago. ………………………………………………………………………………….? They kept all the documents last year. ………………………………………….………………………………………? He sent the packets to his house two days ago …………………………………………………………………………… I sold my car last year …………………………………………………………….……………… He told me the good news yesterday …………………………………………….……………….……………… They made the program six months ……………………………………………………………….…………… We applied this system a year ago. …………………………………………………………………………..… The students assembled these computers last year. …………………………………………………………………………..… He left the documents open. …………………………………………………………………………..…


gatau loh hehe orang mna kmu kak

16. The following apparatus is assembled to measured the E0 of a half cell. Which set of concentrations would give the correct value of E0 for the following electrode system ? 2HOCl + 2H+ + 2e- = Cl2 + H2O​


jsjsjsjsnd sbsbbs sbesar sbsbsnsnsnsnsnsnsnnw web bsuwbuNw تثنيزييزيزيزيزتسزصهسنس hahwhwiwhhwensjsnsnwjbwbwhwbwbshbwbzbsbsb nsnsnsvwhs wbwbsbebebebebebebeneneneje

17. 5. Watch the world's most sophisticated aircraft be built before your eyes at the Boeing factory in Mukilteo. If you are curious to know about it, you should explore the dynamics of flight and experience new aviation innovation. Go behind the scenes at Boeing to watch the very same jets you may one day be a passenger on being assembled. artikan dalam bahasa Indonesia​


Saksikan pembuatan pesawat paling canggih di dunia di depan mata Anda di pabrik Boeing di Mukilteo. Jika Anda penasaran untuk mengetahuinya, Anda harus menjelajahi dinamika penerbangan dan pengalaman

18. tolong soal b. ingg: watch the world most sophisticated aircraft be biilt before your eyes at Boeing factory in mukilteo. explore the dynamic of flight and experience new aviation innovation. go behind the scenes at Boeing to watch the very same jets you may one day be a passenger on being assembled. what does mukilteo offered?

it offered to explore the dynamic og flight and experience new aviation innovation.

19. long, the town was whispering about Abdul's mysterious visits to the unused well in thedead of the night. It wasn't long before a curious soul (6)........... the gold, let out a yellof joy and ran away with the miser's treasure.Naturally, on his next visit, Abdul found the hole empty. He began howling with griefand soon a crowd had assembled. They watched him grieve the way people mourn the lossof a dear one7Bahasa Inggris 9 untuk SMP/MTS​


Abdul adalah salah satu dari (1)... di kota, tapi kau bisa dengan mudah salah satu kesalahan dia untuk a

memohon. Itu adalah teorinya bahwa karena ada begitu banyak orang keluar untuk merampok orang kaya, itu

aman untuk berpura-pura menjadi miskin. Dan dia melakukannya.

Tapi dia benar-benar tidak harus (2)... pelit untuk inti ia menemukan sangat mudah

kasihan. Jadi bagaimana jika orang-orang yang terpeleset dan anak-anak dipanggil, "Kanjoos! Kanjoos!" (kikir, kikir),

setiap kali dia lewat dengan pakaian yang usang. Abdul menjadi lebih dan lebih puas dengan

tumpukan uangnya yang tumbuh saat bertahun-tahun berlalu

Suatu hari, dia membeli (3) ... emas dengan semua uang yang dia kumpulkan. Dia menggali

sebuah lubang di tanah dekat sumur yang belum digunakan dan mengubur emas di sana. Dia yakin bahwa tidak

pencuri akan bisa menemukan tempat itu. Dengan pemikiran bahagia ini, Abdul memeriksa pada nya (4)


Tapi bisakah kau menyembunyikan tempat persembunyian jika kau melihatnya (5) ? Sebelumnya

long, kota ini berbisik tentang kunjungan misterius Abdul ke sumur yang belum digunakan di sana.

Mati malam. Itu tidak lama sebelum jiwa yang penasaran (6)... emas, keluarkan teriakan.

Dari sukacita dan lari dengan harta kikir.

tentu saja, pada kunjungan berikutnya, Abdul menemukan lubang kosong. (Maka dia pun mulai melolong-lombalah) yakni malaikat-malaikat yang dekat di antara langit yang ketujuh dan di bumi lalu ia meniup hal-hal yang lain (dengan kesedihan) karena sangat takut terhadap kekalahan itu

dan segera kerumunan telah dirakit Mereka melihatnya berduka atas kehilangan orang.

Dari satu yang terhormat


20. Which one is the passive voice? * 1 point A. President Kennedy was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald B. The technician added potassium and mixed it in. C. The Prime Minister made mistakes and unfortunately never rectified them. D. We assembled the car in less than two hours




Karena kalo passive itu (contoh) di buang kalo active itu membuang jadi kalo passive itu A. karna president kennedy di bun#h sama lee harvey oswald

selamat belajar :)

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