contoh kalimat 1 paragraf dengan menggunakan present tense, present perfect, present continus, present perfect continus
1. contoh kalimat 1 paragraf dengan menggunakan present tense, present perfect, present continus, present perfect continus
Kalimat present tense(Subjek + memiliki / memiliki + kata kerja bentuk 3 + objek)
1)Please, sit come on Tom!
Kalimat present perfect(Subjek+punya/memiliki+telah + kata kerja bentuk 1+ ing + objek)
1) I am going to Library now
Kalimat present perfect continus(subjek + mempunyai/memiliki + telah + kata kerja + ing + objek )
1)She has been making some book for the last four years
This is about me and my little sister. We go to the beach to enjoy the sunset every weekend. Although we are family, we live in a different house to make things interesting. Oh and we are the top world class fashionista. But lately, she have been very busy with her company. As of now, i'm enjoying the sunset all by myself, and this feels lonely,gloomy, and it just sucks in general. I have been waiting for her all weekend to just come to the beach and enjoy the nice sunset. But Will i give up? no, i'm gonna get her out of that busyness and enjoy the sunset again just like when we were kids. i'll get her out of her office even if it kills me.
2. Contoh paragraf yang menggunakan simple past tense dan present perfect tense
Simple past tense
(+) I went to surabaya yeaterday
(?) Did i go to surabaya yesterday?
Yes, you did/ no you did not
(-) I did not go to surabaya yesterday
Present perfect tense
(+) I sweep the floor
(-) I don't sweep the floor
(?) Do you sweep the floor
(-?) Dont you sweep the floor?
3. Contoh paragraf yang menggunakan simple past tense dan present perfect tense
Juni has always loved the rain. She has played in the rain many times before. Playing in the rain has been her favourite activity since kindergarten.
She has special boots and a favourite umbrella. The boots have been worn by Juni since morning. The umbrella has been ready to protect her body from the rain.
Sometimes, Juni doesn’t wear her boots. She doesn’t even use her favourite umbrella. She feels the rain on her skin. Her mother has let her to play in the rain.Yestersay i went to swimming pool with myfather.Myfather had prepered swimsuit before we went there.We went there by car i was very happy.We have been in swimming pool for three hour
4. cerita bahasa Inggris minimal 5 paragraf mencaupi present continuous tense, present perfect tense, present perfect continuous tense, simple past tense, past continuous tense dan,past perfect​
My Aunt's Office
My name is Alicia. I am spending my holiday in Jakarta. I stay with my aunt. Her name is Farah Adusi. She is 22 years old. She works as an administrative staff of a Production House in Jakarta. I visited her office last week. Her office is unique. I will tell you about it.
Aunt Farah shares an office space with one of her colleagues, Miss Destri. She also works as an administrative staff of the company. They are very close friend. They went to the same high school. My aunt's office is a room with size about 4 m long and 3 m wide, with light grey paint covers all the walls. When you enter the room, you will find a big window right across the room. In the morning, it is showered by the morning sun light because it faces the east direction. The room is bright so that the ceiling lights are not needed much during the day.
There is a long wooden desk in the middle of the room with four chairs well arranged surround it. My aunt bought it when she traveled to Jepara two years ago. Two personal computers are put on the table. There is no cubicle in the office. Aunt Farah and Miss Destri sit in rows of seats face north in front of their own personal computers. There are a printer and a cordless telephone in the free space between them. There is also a small metal tray on the table in which they put the stationery neatly. In one side of the wall, there is a huge whiteboards. It is full of notes of the deadlines about some projects which they are working on.
Miss Destri brought a flashy blue clock that is hanged on the wall next to the whiteboard. In the corner of the room there is a cabinet used to store many files. Right next to the cabinet, there is a small wooden table which is covered with white and blue stripes tablecloth. There is a beautiful flower vase with a huge red roses bouquet on it. Near the window, there is a pile of books and work portfolios which are kept neatly on the shelf.
My aunt's office is not too large but it is clean and well organized. The air is always fresh and cool because there is an air conditioner installed on the wall. I like how my aunt arrange her office. I will go there again tomorrow. Aunt Farah and Miss Destri will treat me a mini tour to the whole building and buy me a lunch in the office cafe. It will be so much fun.
Contoh kalimat dengan pola Simple Present Tense:
My name is Alicia.
I stay with my aunt.
Her name is Farah Adusi.
She is 22 years old.
She works as an administrative staff of a Production House in Jakarta.
Contoh kalimat dengan pola Present Continuous Tense:
I am spending my holiday in Jakarta.
They are working on.
Contoh kalimat dengan pola Simple Past Tense:
I visited her office last week.
They went to the same high school.
My aunt bought it when she traveled to Jepara two years ago.
Miss Destri brought a flashy blue clock.
Contoh kalimat dengan pola Future Tense:
I will tell you about it.
You will find a big window right across the room.
I will go there again tomorrow.
Aunt Farah and Miss Destri will treat me a mini tour to the whole building and buy me a lunch in the office cafe.
It will be so much fun.
smg membantu
maaf kalau salah:))
5. Contoh cerita bhs inggris menggunakan past perfect tense, present perfect tense, future perfect tense digabung menjadi 4 paragraf
Have you watched Harry Potter movies? If yes, then you surely know JK. Rowling. She is a British author. She has started writing since 1990.
Her fantacy books have won multiple awards. The books have been sold more than 400 million copies and translated into 67 languages. They have become the best-selling book series in history.
J.K. Rowling has been married to Dr Neil Murray since 2001. They have had one daughter and one son. But Joanne has also had one daughter from her previous marriage.
Joanne Kathleen Rowling has become so popular after writing Harry Potter. The success of her book series has made her to be a billionaire author. She has received many honours and awards.
6. Jelaskanlah apa itu present continuous tense, present perfect dan present perfect continuous tense. Berilah masing-masing contoh kalimat!
Present continuous tense
Aksi yang sedang berlangsung.
Contoh : They are playing in the backyard.
Present perfect tense
Aksi yang terjadi di masa lampau dan sudah berakhir.
Contoh : I have eaten the cake you gave me.
Present perfect continuous tense
Aksi yang terjadi di masa lampau dan masih berlangsung.
Contoh : She has been painting for 2 hours.
Present continuous tense adalah bentuk tense yang dapat kamu gunakan untuk menjelaskan sesuatu atau menyatakan aksi yang sedang berlangsung selama waktu tertentu pada masa sekarang (present).
contoh: Aunt Christine is warming up the car while Scott looks for his new leather coat.
Present perfect continuous tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan aksi yang telah selesai pada suatu titik di masa lalu atau aksi telah dimulai di masa lalu dan terus berlanjut sampai sekarang.
contoh: The construction laborers are thirsty since they have been removing the scaffoldings. (Pekerja konstruksi haus karena mereka telah memindahkan perancah.)
7. Tolong buatkan contoh cerita yang dalam 1 paragraf menggunakan simple past tense,present perfect tense, simple present tense,present future tense,present continous tense
present tense :
Yogyakarta is a very special city for it's arts, culture and culinary. It is a perfect place to find the best Batik as well as wach puppent as well as gamelan concerts.
Past tense :
During my holiday, I made of handcrafts. At the time, i was crazy about art and creativity. many ideas had come to my mind three monts before. All of the ideas were written on my note books so i could read them again.
perfect tense :
Today is 3rd october and tomorrow is my sisters birthday. Her name is Krystal. i want to give her a surprise. i have talked to some of her friends. they helped me to prepare a surprising party.
continous tense :
Today, Chiya is visiting her grandparents. she loves coocking with her grandma, usually teaches her how to cook delicious soup
future tense :
Next thursday is going to be my younger sister birthday. she will be 10 years old. we are to have a simple but awesome birthday party.
8. berilah contoh kalimat present tense, present continous tense, present perfect tense, & present perfect continous tense yang tergolong passive voice
1. present tense (s+be(is,am,are)+v3+by+o
ex: he paints the wall (active)
the wall is painted by him
2. present continous (s+be+being+v3+by+o)
she is taking some chalks in the box
some chalks is being taken by her in the box
3. present perfect tense ( s+has/have+been+v3+by+o)
we have collected the stamps for two months
the stamps have been collected by us for two months
maaf present perfect continous tidak ada.....
9. Contoh paragraf yang terdiri dari kalimat simple present tense, continuous tense, perfect tense dan future tense
I have some plan if I meet my favorite actor, Rain.
My name is Sysca Yuliaeni Permana. I have an idol and my idol is Rain. Rain is the actor that comes from Seoul. He is multitalented person that I have known. He is professional singer, dancer, and actor. I love him very much. I want to meet him and I believe one day I would meet with him. If I can meet him, I have some plan that I want to do with him. I will talk with him many things. I will show him how much I liked him. I admire all of his performance. I like the story about the struggles of his life to be a superstar. After that, I am going to take many pictures together with him. I will take a trip with him to Jeju island. In there, we can make a joke and laugh together all the time. All of things I want to do with him. I hope my dream will come true. I am going to be grateful for God if I can meet Rain… Amin Y Robal Alamin…
10. buatlah 2 paragraf = present perfect tense 2 paragraf = future perfect tense mohon bantuannya..
present perfect: I have been waiting,she has been waiting
future perfect: i will have studied tomorrow,i will not have come tomorrow
11. present perfect tense,present perfect continous tense,past perfect tense,past perfect continous tense,present future tense,dan present future continous tense...berikan contohnya (+,-,?) tolong bgt jawabannya
present perfect tense
(+) i have read the book
(-) i haven't read the book
(?) have i read the book?
present perfect continuous tense
(+) she has been driving
(-) she hasn't been driving
(?) has she been driving ?
maaf aku gak ingat klw PAST PERFECT TENSE
(+) lia had been walking
(-) lia had not been walking
(?) had lia been walking?
maaf jg yg PRESENT FUTURE TENSE jg gak ingat
otey maaf jika setengah setengah soalnya lupa lupa ehe ..
klw ada yg kurang jls boleh di komen nanti aku coba jawab semoga membantu
good luck
12. contoh paragraf dalam kalimat-kalimat yang bentuk present perfect tense​
Today is 16th August and tomorrow is my sister’s birthday. Her name is Kristal. I want to give her a surprise. I have talked to some of her friends. They have helped me to prepare a surprising party. We have discussed it since July.
We are going to celebrate my sister’s birthday in a small restaurant near my house. Our parents have also agreed it. The restaurant has been booked by our parents.
What about the birthday present? No worries, I have prepared it too. She loves art very much. I have made a painting for her. I hope she will like it. But I haven’t wrapped the painting because it hasn’t dried yet.
Have you ever celebrated someone’s birthday?
13. buatkan paragraf yang mengandung butlah contoh paragraf yang mengandun Simple present. Past tense. Continious tense. Future tense, sama perfect tense.....!
Sudahkah Anda menonton film Harry Potter? Jika ya, maka Anda pasti tahu JK. Rowling. Dia adalah seorang penulis Inggris. Dia sudah mulai menulis sejak 1990.
Buku fantasinya telah memenangkan banyak penghargaan. Buku-buku telah terjual lebih dari 400 juta kopi dan diterjemahkan ke dalam 67 bahasa. Mereka telah menjadi seri buku terlaris dalam sejarah.
J.K. Rowling telah menikah dengan Dr. Neil Murray sejak 2001. Mereka memiliki satu anak perempuan dan satu putra. Tapi Joanne juga memiliki satu anak perempuan dari pernikahan sebelumnya.
Joanne Kathleen Rowling telah menjadi sangat populer setelah menulis Harry Potter. Keberhasilan seri bukunya telah membuatnya menjadi penulis miliarder. Dia telah menerima banyak penghargaan dan penghargaan.
Have you watched Harry Potter movies? If yes, then you surely know JK. Rowling. She is a British author. She has started writing since 1990.
Her fantacy books have won multiple awards. The books have been sold more than 400 million copies and translated into 67 languages. They have become the best selling book series in history.
J.K. Rowling has been married to Dr. Neil Murray since 2001. They have had one daughter and one son. But Joanne has also had one daughter from her previous marriage.
Joanne Kathleen Rowling has become so popular after writing Harry Potter. The success of her book series has been made her to be a billionaire author. She has received many honors and awards.
14. contoh kalimat dari kata love negatif (simple present tense, present continuous tense, present perfect tense, present perfect continous tense
Pr: i dont love you
Pr cont: i am not loving you
Pr perfect: I have not loved you
Pr prf cont: I have not been loving you
15. Deadline !! Contoh paragraf past continuous , Future tense , present perfect tense .
ini adalah rumus** nya
1. past continous tense
verbal : +) s+was/were+v-ing+....
-) s+was/were+not+v-ing+...
?) was/were+s+v-ing+...?
nominal : +) s+was/were+adjective/noun/adverb
-) s+was/were+not+adjective/noun/adverb
? was/were+s+adjective/noun/adverb?
ex: I was very hungry
2. simple future tense
verbal : +) s+will/shall+v1+...
-) s+will/shall+not+v1+...
? will/shall+s+v1+...?
nominal : +) s+will/shall+be+adjective/noun/adverb
-) s+will/shall+not+be+adjective/noun/adverb
?) will/shall+s+be+adjective/noun/adverb?
ex: you will go to surabaya tomorrow
3. present perfect tense
verbal : +) s+have/has+v3+....
-) s+have/has+not+v3+....
? have/has+s+v3+.....?
nominal : +) s+have/has+been+adjective/noun/adverb
-) s+have/has+not+been+adjective/noun/adverb
?) will/shall+s+been+adjective/noun/adverb?
ex: I has a new dress
16. berikan masing - masing 2 contoh kalimat dari past perfect tense, simple present tense, present perfect tense, future tense, future perfect tense
past perfect tense :
- I had breakfast before I left my home.
- I had booked the ticket before we go there..
simple present tense :
- My Life is not amazing without friends.
- I don’t want to ask you again.
present perfect tense :
- I have been gone to Bali island for three times.
- don’t sit on the chair, it has just been painted.
future tense :
- Indah will wear a new bag.
- He will help us there.
future perfect tense :
- He will have come in the class at 7.45 am.
- I will have finished the exercise by the time my mom go shopping.
Maaf kalo salah :)
17. Buat lah 2 paragraf dengan present perfect tense
I have loved you when I met you in that town for the first time. Though I have kept this love deep down without you knowing it but I am sure that you will soon find out after you read an anonymous letter.
You know, I have written that letter for a long time but I did not dare to send it to you then.I have sent the letter to you and I hope you will love me after you read the contents of my letter. I really love you even though I never said it before.
=> I have loved you when I met you in that town for the first time.
=> I have kept this love deep down without you knowing it
=> I have written that letter for a long time but I did not dare to send it to you then.
18. Contoh dialog present tense, present continuous tense dan present perfect
present tense:i am still seeing your shadows in my room
past continous:i was watching tv last night whem my mom cooking
future continous:i will becoming a singer someday
present perfect:i haven't drunk yet
bintang 5 plis.
19. Contoh 1 paragraf yang mengandung Past Tense dan Present Perfect
tolong dijawab aku juga Ada pr itu
20. contoh present tense,present continous tense, present perfect tense dan past tense
i study English every day (present tense)
i am studying english now. (present cont)
i have studied english. (present perfect)
i studied english yesterday (past tense)