Bahasa Inggris Respon Cepat

Bahasa Inggris Respon Cepat

tolong dong buat dialog bahasa inggris dibawah ini seperti gambar . Pliss respon cepat

1. tolong dong buat dialog bahasa inggris dibawah ini seperti gambar . Pliss respon cepat

John:it's worthless we leave from our office at 5 pm and its 7 pm and we're still stuck at this horrible traffic
Jean:john it's 7 pm and we have 3 offices that let the all employees leave at 5 pm
John:I know but the traffic is so bad that we can't even move
Jean:Yes the traffic is horrible and i know you really want to go home but if we use our private transportation that only has 2 people,there is no way we're not going to have traffic everywhere
John:You're right jean from tomorrow we will use public transportation from our home to our office and from our office to our home plus it's going to make less polution
Jean:that's the spirit

2. percakapan bahasa inggris tentang respon

Ratna :
you look so pale?
kamu terlihat pucat.

Sulis :
I have toothache.
Aku sakit gigi

Ratna :
see the dentist
Pergi ke dokter gigi

Sulis :
what do you think about an aspirin?
Apa pendapatmu kalau minum aspirin?

Ratna :
I think it will be really work if you get medicine from the dentist
Akan lebih manjur lagu kalu kamu dapat obat dari dokter gigi

Sulis :
Thank you for your opinion.
Terima kasih atas pendapatmu

3. bahasa Inggris nya tidak di respon​


Not responded


Not : Tidak

Don't : Jangan / Tdk melakukannya

Respon : Respon

Responded : Merespon

4. respon ucapan selamat,dalam bahasa inggris.

biasanya kalo selamat itu pake kata "congratulation"
1. Happy anniversary = Thank you so much
2. Happy holiday = Happy holiday too, thank you
3. Hai Congratulation for you grade  = You don't have to but thanks
4. Happy Birthday my lovely Sister = Thank you .

5. i can slepp well responnya apa? (respon pakai bahasa inggris)

What's wrong with u? good sweet dreams
#maaf klau salah

6. ucapan selamat dan responnya dalam bahasa inggris

Ucapan selamat:congrats / congratulation! you work so hard! respon: Thankyou! A:congratulations on your graduation
B:thank you

7. bahasa inggrisnya "terimakasih sudah mau direspon"​


thank you for being responded


Thank You for responding

8. Ungkapan berpamitan dan responnya dalam bahasa inggris


"See you too"


Karena misalkan ungkapan berpamitan "See you later"(sampai jumpa nanti)

maka dijawab dengan "See you too"(sampai jumpa juga)


Berpamitan ( Farewell):

Bye bye!Bye bye!See you later, See you soon or Talk to you later. Bye bye!See you later, See you soon or Talk to you later. I've got to get going or I must be going. Bye bye!See you later, See you soon or Talk to you later. I've got to get going or I must be going. Take it easy.Bye bye!See you later, See you soon or Talk to you later. I've got to get going or I must be going. Take it easy.I'm off.


It’s been great / nice / a pleasure working with you.It’s been great / nice / a pleasure working with you.We’re going to miss you around here.It’s been great / nice / a pleasure working with you.We’re going to miss you around here.The place won’t be the same without youI hope you nothing but the best of luck.

Semoga Membantu

9. ungkapan harapan dan responnya dalam bahasa inggris


Expression of hope

I’m hoping for an interview next week.

She’s hoping (that) she won’t be away too long.

I hope (that) she’ll win.

We have to hope and pray (that) the operation will go well.

They hope to visit us next year.

It’s good news, I hope.


Thank you

Thanks a lot

Thank for your hope

That’s good idea

God bless us


10. percakapan berbahasa inggris menawar kan jasa dan respon respon nya

-may i help you?
-do you need my help?
-what can i do for you?
 respon : - no thanks
-i can do it, thank you
-oh, sure

11. respon bentuk perhatian bahasa inggris

Thank you, wonderfull, okay, sure. Masih banyak sih. Tapi tau kan intinya???

12. contoh ekspresi dan responnya dalam bahasa inggris​


Why don't you do your homework before going out?

=Ok, i agree


tolong di jadiin yg terbaik

jawabanya ada diatas

maaf kalo salah

13. dialog bahasa inggris menyatakan pendapat dan responnya

Ahmad  : What do you think of english material.
Siti        : English is the dificult language that I have learned .I think
 Ahmad  : What do you mean?
Siti.       : English is different from Bahasa, it has many term to arange anything and it makes me confused.
 Ahmad  : Siti, English is the easy one if you make it your habbit in daily life.
Salsabila : what is your opinion about global warming?
Johan    : it causes of the wrong way of life.some people say that
Salsabila : what do you mean?
 Johan    : well, we have to start to do what we can do to help reduce global warming.
Salsabila: that’s a good point . let’s do that by this time.
Yuli: I think Rina’s answer to the question is not right. It should be ‘vinegar’.
Vivi: I think it is ‘vinegar’ too, not ‘wine’.
Yani: In my opinion, our volley ball team needs a new coach. Mr. Zulfan cannot handle too many teams himself.
Firda: I agree with you.
 Rahmat: Our English should be more active, I suppose. Why don’t we meet three times a week?  
 Rully: I agree, but after the final exam. Now we are very busy preparing for it
A : hmmm , waht do you think about my new dress
B : ohh , so cute ,you look so beautiful
A : really ? Thank you
B : u're welcome

14. kalimat selamat dalam bahasa inggris dan respon

Well done, congratulation for you = Luar biasa, selamat untuk Anda

Thanks for your saying = Terima kasih atasucapan AndaExpression:
Well done
I'd like to congratulate you on...

Thank you
It's very nice of you to say so
Thank you. I still have a lit to learn

15. Respon Tentang film FROZEN dalam bahasa inggris

menurut saya, film frozen sangatlah bagus. karena, film ini mengajarkan tentang eratnya hubungan persaudaraan dan film ini mengajarkan wanita untuk lebih kuat karena sesungguhnya wanita dapat melindungi dirinya tanpa batuan seorang lelaki

translate: In my opinion, Frozen movie is very good. Because, Frozen teaches us how close brotherhood is and this film teaches girls that they don't need a man to save them.Personally, I think Frozen is a very good movie. It teaches us that we should be ourself without even worrying about other people's opinion. It also teaches us that true love isn't only about a love from a man to a woman and vice versa, but it can also come from our family members.

16. contoh ekspresi dan respon dalam bahasa inggris

Sedang Di sapa:

Hi Nice To Meet U Eksperinya Terseyum

Bertanya Kamu Baik/Tidak

Im Fine Thank You/im Not Fine Thank U

Tersenyum Jika Baik Jika Tidak Baik Agak Sedikit murung


17. tugas bahasa Inggris compliment dan respon​


3 happy birthday to you, i wish you all the best

4 thank you so much for the offering, that means so much to me

5 you're look very good, i love you so much

6 thank you very much, i practiced so hard for it

7 thank you, i will try my best

8 you did very good today

9 thank you so much

10 thank you I'm glad to have you

18. Merespon surat dalam bahasa inggris

responds the later
pakai "the" juga bisa atau gak pakai "the"juga bisa

19. Ucapan selamat dan respon bahasa inggris


respon: thank you very much atau you are so kindcongratulations for your graduation!

thank you so much.

20. Kalimat respon tentang sekolahan dalam bahasa inggris


=> I think the school had better give a punishment when there are Some students break the rules's regulation.


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