Six Things To Do If You Visit Seattle

Six things to do if you visit seattle

Daftar Isi

1. Six things to do if you visit seattle

1. I will take the fresh air
2. I will get the nice view
3. I will feel good withthe new situation
4. I will be happy to see new and different people
5. I will go to the good restaurant
6. I will take the picture

2. Six things to do if you visit seattle

1. Enjoy the great view (Sightseeing)
2. took a lot of pictures
3. Travel the nature
4. Shopping
5. Cruising
6. Relaxing1. Enjoy the great view (Sightseeing)
2. took a lot of pictures
3. Travel the nature
4. Shopping 
5. Cruising
6. Relaxing

3. Six things to do if you visit seattle

Visit Museum of Flight
Shop at Pike Place Market
Visit Woodland Park Zoo
Watch movies at Cinerama
Picnic at Ella Bailey Park
Play Ninja Escape

4. ada berapakah kata if you yang terdapat dalam teks Six things to do if you seattle???


Teks berjudul Six Things To Do If You Visit Seattle mengandung 415 kata yang terdiri dari:

8 kata pada judul51 kata pada paragraf 153 kata pada paragraf 2 (tidak termasuk angka 1.)74 kata pada paragraf 3 (tidak termasuk angka 2., dan singkatan seperti don't terhitung sebagai 2 kata)57 kata pada paragraf 4 (tidak termasuk angka 3.)59 kata pada paragraf 5 (tidak termasuk angka 4.)49 kata pada paragraf 6 (tidak termasuk angka 5.)64 kata pada paragraf 7 (tidak termasuk angka 6.)
Reading Passage / Teks Bacaan

*Kata yang digarisbawah adalah singkatan yang terhitung sebagai 2 kata

Six Things To Do If You Visit Seattle

There are 6 must-have experiences that you should do if you visit Seattle where city and nature come together. If you visit Seattle, arrive with this list in hand and you’ll be off to a foolproof start for exploring the Emerald City’s most unforgettable sights and sounds. If you visit Seattle:

1. Feel the fresh air on your face as you sail to Bainbrige Island on a Washington State Ferry. From the ferry you can enjoy the view of the Seattle skyline. You can also stroll around downtown’s galleries, boutiques, coffeehouses and cafes. Seasonal gardens and natural woodlands at the Boedel Reserve is another option.

2. Why don’t you tour Pike Place Market’s produce stands and buy something you’ve never tasted. The Pike Place Market is much more than a farmers’ market. Its entire district full of shopping, attractions and favorite sights. The area is festival of sounds, tastes and smells is part of the reason it’s called the ‘soul of Seattle’. Amid all the joyful hubbub, make sure you take time to spot these beloved icons.

3. Book a night at one of the many cozy B & Bs or resorts available throughout the Sun Juan Islands. Cozy bed and breakfasts are perfect way to enjoy the friendly island culture. Here, you can tour the numerous art galleries in Friday Harbor. You can also enjoy naturalist-guided tours, wildlife spotting, whale watching and storm watching.

4. See exciting and experimental works at Chihuly Garden and Glass. A visit to this site is an opportunity to take full advantage of the location at the Seattle Center, a premier destination for arts, entertainment and leisure activities. Explore the Space Needle and Pacific Science Center. Experience Music Project and a variety of cultural activities offered throughout the year.

5. Watch the world’s most sophisticated aircraft be built before your eyes at the Boeing factory in Mukilteo. Explore the dynamics of flight and experience new aviation innovation. Go behind the scenes at Boeing to watch the very same jets you may one day be a passenger on being assembled.

6. For a sweet treat, tour the Theo Chocolate factory in Freemont and learn how their delicious confections are made. This factory has a mission to create change in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) where it has 300,000 square miles of farmable land but only 2% is being farmed due to conflict there. The factory trains 2,000 Congolese farmers to grow high quality cocoa.

-------------------------------------------------------------- Detil Tambahan Kelas: SMP Mapel: Bahasa Inggris Materi: Word Count from Reading Passage Kata Kunci: Word Count, Reading Passage, Contraction

5. pertanyaan pada buku bahasa inggris kelas XII dalam teks "six things to do if you visit seattle" untuk membuat pertanyaan

kelas : XII
pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris 
kategori : Procedure Text
kata kunci : Let's visit seattle, things to do

Berdasarkan buku Bahasa Inggris kelas XII kurikulum 2013 halaman 2 hingga 4, six things to do if you visit seattle are:

- The first thing to do is feel the fresh air on your face as you sail to Banbrige Island on a Washingon State Ferry.
- The second thing to do is Tour Pike place market’s produce stands and buy something you’ve never tasted.
- The third to do is book a night at one of the many cozy B & Bs or resorts available throughout the Sun Juan Islands.
- The fourth thing to do is see exciting and experimental works at Chihuly Garden and Glass.
- The fifth thing to do is watch the world’s most sophisticated aircraft be built before your eyes at the Boeing factory in Mukilteo.
- The sixth thing to do is tour the Theo Chocolate factory in Freemont and learn how their delicious confections are made.

Cara menjawab soal ini adalah melihat pada kalimat pertama pada setiap poin yang disebutkan dalam text. Kalimat pertama pada setiap poin atau paragraf merupakan kalimat utama.

jawaban singkat untuk text ini:
1) the first thing to do is sail to Banbrige Island on a Washingon State Ferry.
2) the second thing to do is Tour Pike place market.
3) the third thing to do is book a night at Sun Juan Islands.
4) the fourth thing to do is visit Chihuly Garden and Glass.
5) the fifth thing to do is watch the aircraft being built at the Boeing Factory.
6) the sixth thing to do is tour the Theo Chocolate factory in Freemont.

6. jenis teks apakah pada six things to do if you visit seattle​

Jawabannya text procedure karena memuat petunjuk-petunjuk tentang sesuatu

7. The second thing to do is six things to do if you visit seattle


Hal kedua yang harus dilakukan adalah enam hal yang harus dilakukan jika Anda mengunjungi seattle


8. From the text "six things to do if you visit seattle what tourism spot/destination talks/discuses

apa itu ada text nya?

9. terjemahan dari bahasa Inggris cerita six things to do if you visit Seattle​


Enam hal yang harus dilakukan jika Anda mengunjungi seattle


maaf kalo salah ☺

10. Example:if you visit seattle, arrive with if you visit seattle, arrive with this list of six must-have experiences1.if you visit seattle,the first thing to do is​


feel the fresh air on your face as you sall to bainbrige island on a washingon state ferry jadikan jawaban tercerdas

11. Six things to do if you visit seattle. Find out about tenses from the textPicture 1-6​

Here are six things to do while you have a chance to visit Seattle, Washington. It is located on the north west of USA, NOT Washington DC. Unfortunately, the text and picture are not available.

Visiting Starbucks Reserve Roastery & Tasting Room. Taking a Boeing Tour in the Future of Flight Aviation CenterExploring the Museum of Pop Culture.Taking the Seattle Center Monorail.Visiting Pacific Science Center.Watching football match at Lumen Field Stadium.Pembahasan

Seattle adalah kota yang memiliki banyak museum di dalamnya. Sehingga enam hal yang bisa dilakukan saat berkunjung ke Seattle tak bisa dihindarkan dari kunjungan ke museum.

Tujuan pertama adalah mengunjungi pusat sekaligus pabrik kopi waralaba yang dikenal secara global, Starbucks.Di tujuan kedua mengambil tur untuk melihat dari dekat produksi pesawat Boeing sekaligus sejarah aviasi di museum penerbangan untuk melihat segala jenis pesawat mulai dari milik NASA, pesawat perang militer AS hingga pesawat kepresidenan.Selanjutnya adalah mengunjungi museum budaya pop AS dimana kita dapat melihat segala jenis pernak-pernik yang berhubungan dengan film Hollywood.Melakukan perjalanan monorail dengan rute membelah kota untuk bersantai.Mengunjungi pusat sains Pasifik dimana kita bisa mengunjungi planetarium, bermain bersama sains dsb.Menonton pertandingan sepakbola di Lumen Field yang terpilih menjadi salah satu stadion yang digunakan untuk Piala Dunia 2026 nanti.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi tentang Seattle pada link berikut ini

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

12. kata2 yg jarang dijumpai dalam teks six things to do if you visit seattle

Book a night :buku malam
Wildlife spotting:bercak satwa liar
A premier destination ; tujuan perdana
Dynamics of fight:dinamika penerbangan

13. Dialog tentang Six Things to Do if You Visit Seattle​


Dialog About 6 Things to do If you Visit Seattle



Pertama-tama mari kita cari tahu terlebih dahulu tentang 6 jenis kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan ketika mengunjungi kota Seattle di Amerika Serikat. Berikut adalah informasi berdasarkan TripAdvisor:

Visit Chihuly Garden and Glass

Pike Place Market

Space Needle

Washington State Ferries

Day Trip from Seattle to Victoria on the Victoria Clipper

Small-Group Olympic National Park Tour from Seattle

Setelah mengetahui apa saja kegiatan yang bisa dilakukan, mari kita buat dialognya.


Jack: I'm planning to visit Seattle next month. Sally, you were living there for 5 years right to pursue your bachelor degree? Give me recommendation please!

Sally: Oh Seattle is a very nice city, Jack. You will not regret it. So okay I will give you recommendation but firstly what is your preferences? I mean what kind of touristical attraction that you enjoy?

Jack: Hmmm well, I enjoy being in the nature very well. Not so much museums. Statues and buildings are fine but not too much. I guess that's about it.

Sally: I would recommend you to come and visit the most popular landmark of Seattle: Space Needle. You can see everything from there and exploring 360° views on the Observation Deck. Awesome, right?

Jack: Oh Space Needle, okay noted. What else?

Sally: You told me that you like nature so here are some suggestions for you. Visit Chihuly Garden and Glass, it's very well known glass house that always fascinates me. You can also visit Pike Place Market which serves the most fresh and delicious ingredients it is one of the few's authentic farmer market. Oh and go for a trip to Olympic National Park with a small group. There you can enjoy the greatest scenery ever: from beaches and mountains to forests and farms.

Jack: So well noted! Oh, how about cruises? Is it recommended?

Sally: Well I have never been to the cruise, but I heard that Washington State Ferries and A full-day trip from Seattle to Victoria, by ferry to experience the Butchart Gardens are worth trying. You can check the reviews though.

Jack: Thank you so much Sally, your advices are very helpful.


14. Dialog teks six thing to do if you visit seattle

Dialog About 6 Things to do If you Visit SeattleJawaban

Pertama-tama mari kita cari tahu terlebih dahulu tentang 6 jenis kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan ketika mengunjungi kota Seattle di Amerika Serikat. Berikut adalah informasi berdasarkan TripAdvisor:

Visit Chihuly Garden and GlassPike Place MarketSpace NeedleWashington State FerriesDay Trip from Seattle to Victoria on the Victoria ClipperSmall-Group Olympic National Park Tour from Seattle

Setelah mengetahui apa saja kegiatan yang bisa dilakukan, mari kita buat dialognya.


Jack: I'm planning to visit Seattle next month. Sally, you were living there for 5 years right to pursue your bachelor degree? Give me recommendation please!

Sally: Oh Seattle is a very nice city, Jack. You will not regret it. So okay I will give you recommendation but firstly what is your preferences? I mean what kind of touristical attraction that you enjoy?

Jack: Hmmm well, I enjoy being in the nature very well. Not so much museums. Statues and buildings are fine but not too much. I guess that's about it.

Sally: I would recommend you to come and visit the most popular landmark of Seattle: Space Needle. You can see everything from there and exploring 360° views on the Observation Deck. Awesome, right?

Jack: Oh Space Needle, okay noted. What else?

Sally: You told me that you like nature so here are some suggestions for you. Visit Chihuly Garden and Glass, it's very well known glass house that always fascinates me. You can also visit Pike Place Market which serves the most fresh and delicious ingredients it is one of the few's authentic farmer market. Oh and go for a trip to Olympic National Park with a small group. There you can enjoy the greatest scenery ever: from beaches and mountains to forests and farms.

Jack: So well noted! Oh, how about cruises? Is it recommended?

Sally: Well I have never been to the cruise, but I heard that Washington State Ferries and A full-day trip from Seattle to Victoria, by ferry to experience the Butchart Gardens are worth trying. You can check the reviews though.

Jack: Thank you so much Sally, your advices are very helpful.

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

------------------------------------Detil JawabanKelas : SMAMapel : Bahasa InggrisKategori : ExpressionKata kunci : Suggestion, DialogKode: 10.5.2

15. mencari kalimat yang menyatakan pengandaian dalam teks six things to do if you visit seattle

If I visit Seattle I will eat traditional food there.
... I will buy a lot of souvenirs.
... I will walk on foot around the city.
... I will take a lot of pictures there.

16. buatin contoh six things to do if you visit seattle

Shopping,walking,hiking,ice Skating,Visit friends,take a train to B.C(british columbia)

17. ringkasan six things to do if you visit seattle

apa artinya itu mungkin di terjemahkan

18. Bahasa indonesia six things to do if you visit seattle there are 6 must have experlences that you should do you visit seattle where city and nature come together


6 hal yg hrs kamu lakukan saat kamu mengunjungi seattle ada 6 percobaan yg hrs kmu lakukan saat mengunjungi seattle dimana kota dn alam bersatu

enam hal yang harus dilakukan jika Anda mengunjungi seattle ada 6 harus memiliki pengalaman yang harus Anda lakukan Anda mengunjungi seattle di mana kota dan alam bersatu

19. terjemahan bahasa inggris six things to do if you visit seattle

6 hal untuk dilakukan bila mengunjungi Seattle

20. Tolong cariin kata kata sulit di text six things to do if you visit seattle

List in hand :catatan tujuan
Foolproof:sangat mudah
Stroll:berjalan jalan
Downtown galleries:galeri pusat kota
Seasonal gardens:taman musiman

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