Dented Artinya

2. Arif had once seen his father mend a dented pingpong ball by putting it into a pot of boiling water for a few seconds. Arif decide to try and mend a dented ping-pong ball the same way but he was unsuccessful. a. Why do father need boiling water to mend pingpong ball? b. Why was Arif unsuccessful when mend a dented ping-pong? tolong djawab yaaa

Daftar Isi

1. 2. Arif had once seen his father mend a dented pingpong ball by putting it into a pot of boiling water for a few seconds. Arif decide to try and mend a dented ping-pong ball the same way but he was unsuccessful. a. Why do father need boiling water to mend pingpong ball? b. Why was Arif unsuccessful when mend a dented ping-pong? tolong djawab yaaa

a. father needs boiling water to mend pingpong ball because the pingpong ball just needs a little heat to get it back to its round shape

arif was unsuccessful probably because he had seen his father once 
if he had practiced more than once, he would have successful with mending a dented pingpong ball 

2. the following text is for question number 1 to 31. where is thectexy attached?2. who is the text addressed to?3. if a person finds his/her car dented while being parked there, he/she...​

The text is attached at the parking lot.The text addressed to the owner of the vehicle.If a person finds his/her car dented while being parked there, he/she responsible for his/her own vehicle.


Berikut merupakan terjemahan dari soal di atas.


Kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas pencurian atau kerusakan kendaraan atau isinya. Parkir dengan risiko Anda sendiri.

Soal tersebut merupakan materi terkait notice. Notice termasuk ke dalam jenis short functional text. Notice merupakan suatu petunjuk maupun peringatan singkat untuk dibaca oleh publik. Sehingga, informasi yang ditulis dalam sebuah notice menjadi penting untuk dibaca dan dimengerti.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang short functional text

Materi tentang ciri-ciri notice

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

3. Which of the following show the effects of a force?1) Rain falling on the ground.2) Leaves on a tree turning brown.3) A can become dented when pressed.4) A puddle of water disappears after some time.0 1 and 3 onlyO 3 and 4 onlyO1, 3 and 4 onlyO1, 2, 3, and 4​


1 and 3 only

hope this helps

4. In the middle of a bright day, I planned to have lunch in a new restaurant. I drove along the West Road at a reasonable speed. About fifty meters before the crossroads, a pedestrian who was walking on the pavement suddenly ran across the road in front of my car. I was so surprised that I braked as hard as I could. I was really panic but I had to swerve to avoid the pedestrian. I crashed into a car which was parked by the said of the road. Fortunately, the pedestrian wasn't injured, but I had a bad cut on my face because my head hit the wind screen. I had forgotten to put on my seat belt. An ambulance took me to the hospital where I had to have five stitches and took a rest for some hours. There was a lot of damage to my car, the wind screen was broken and the bodywork was badly dented. I was interviewed by the police in the hospital. QUESTION : The writer got panic because .... *




a pedestrian who was walking on the pavement suddenly ran across the road in front of my car

5. The Railway Coach Tim had been given a train set on his sixth birthday. It had a signal, tracks to lay out on the floor, a red engine to pull the train, trucks for goods and one lovely blue passenger coach. Tim liked the passenger coach best of all. Tim liked slide the roof off the coach. Then he was able to reach inside and feel the soft seats. The little tables had a tiny lamp on them. But he wished he had passengers to ride inside the coach! Time passed. Tim grew up. Now, the coach was dented and the doors were hanging off. ‘‘What can we do with this old thing?’’ he asked his girlfriend. ‘‘Do you think it is any use to anyone?’’ ‘‘Put it in this box of things for the jumble sale,’’ said his girlfriend. ‘‘someone may buy it.’’ ‘‘But it has no wheels!’’ said Tim. ‘‘Still, I suppose you never know! Come along, we must be going!’’ Tim and his girlfriend sold lots of things at the jumble sale. But nobody wanted the old passenger coach. ‘‘You know,’’ said Tim, ‘‘when I was a boy, I always wished I had some passengers to go inside! ’’Later a lady and a girl were close by. ‘‘No good for you hoping for a dolls’ house, Amy!’’ the lady was saying. ‘‘Besides, where could we keep it? ’’Amy pointed at the coach. ‘‘What is that over there?’’ she asked. ‘‘This?’’ smiled Tim. ‘‘It is only an old passenger coach!’’ ‘‘Look!’’ cried Amy. ‘‘it has tables with lamps and seats which fold down to make little beds! It will make a lovely house for my dolls!’’ ‘‘And we can certainly find room for it in our little home!’’ said Momny. ‘‘And I always wanted to see passengers in that coach!’’ said Tim. Amy smiled. She couldn’t wait to get the coach home. Very soon the old coach was looking almost as good as new! It still had no wheels, but Amy didn’t mind. After all, with her dolls living inside, it was not going anywhere, anymore. But what a lovely home it made for them! Which is NOT TRUE about the coach based on the text? *A.It had tables with lampsB.It had soft seats.C.It had wheels.D.It was old.E.It was blue.​


jawaban nya adalah A). it had tables with lampu..

6. In the middle of a bright day, I planned to have lunch in a new restaurant. I drove along the West Road at a reasonable speed. About fifty meters before the crossroads, a pedestrian who was walking on the pavement suddenly ran across the road in front of my car. I was so surprised that I braked as hard as I could. I was really panic but I had to swerve to avoid the pedestrian. I crashed into a car which was parked by the said of the road. Fortunately, the pedestrian wasn't injured, but I had a bad cut on my face because my head hit the wind screen. I had forgotten to put on my seat belt. An ambulance took me to the hospital where I had to have five stitches and took a rest for some hours. There was a lot of damage to my car, the wind screen was broken and the bodywork was badly dented apa perbedaan antara text recount dan narative taks dilihat dari segi fungsi sosial​


Perbedaan recount text dan narrative text

Perbedaan Narrative Text dan Recount Text

Narrative menghadirkan konflik dalam cerita, sedangkan recount text tidak menghadirkan konflik dan hanya mejelaskan tentang urutan peristiwa atau kejadian yang terjadi secara detail.

7. 41. Answer the question based on the textELECTRONICSElectronics plays a part in almost everyone's life. Radio and televison setsare electronics devices. So are tape recorders and sound movie cameras and theirprojectors. Doctors and dentists use x - ray machines, one of the first electronicsinventions. In a long distances phone call, your voice is relayed over a greatdistance by still other electronics devices.Electronics is also important in industry. Large X - ray machines areused to "see” trough as much as 10 to 20 inches of solid metal; in this wayengineers can detect weaknesses inside such things as welded pipes, airplanewings, and railroad car wheels. Another electronics devices counts cans movingalong a belt in a canning factory. If a dented can comes along, an electronicallycontrolled steel bar pushes the dented can off the belt.a. Describe electronics today.b. Mention the electronics devices that you know.c. What is the main idea of paragraph two?​


41. Jawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks


Elektronik berperan dalam hampir semua kehidupan semua orang. Perangkat radio dan televisi

adalah perangkat elektronik. Begitu juga dengan perekam kaset dan kamera film suara dan mereka

proyektor. Dokter dan dokter gigi menggunakan mesin x-ray, salah satu alat elektronik pertama

penemuan. Dalam panggilan telepon jarak jauh, suara Anda diteruskan dengan sangat baik

jarak dengan perangkat elektronik lainnya.

Elektronik juga penting dalam industri. Mesin sinar-X besar adalah

digunakan untuk "melihat" palung sebanyak 10 hingga 20 inci dari logam padat, dengan cara ini

insinyur dapat mendeteksi kelemahan di dalam hal-hal seperti pipa las, pesawat terbang

sayap, dan roda gerbong kereta api. Perangkat elektronik lain menghitung kaleng bergerak

sepanjang sabuk di pabrik pengalengan. Jika penyok bisa datang, secara elektronik

batang baja yang dikendalikan mendorong kaleng penyok dari sabuk.

Sebuah. Jelaskan elektronik hari ini.

b. Sebutkan perangkat elektronik yang Anda kenal.

c. Apa gagasan utama paragraf dua?


8. tolong jawab soal ini kakB. Read the text and answer the questions.The following text is for questions number 1 to 3SEEWe are not responsible for theft and damage to the vehicle or its contentsPark at our own risk!1. Where is the attached text?2.To whom is the text addressed?3. If someone finds his car dented while parked there, he...The following text is for question number 4-5noticeDon't touch the cord! This may cause electric shock.4. What is the text about?5.What will happen if someone ignores the notification?​


sorry hehehe


gua cuman mo ambil point

9. He was driving too fast around a curve in the freeway, and his car went off the road and rolled over. Luckily,no one was hurt. Bob is okay,but he was upset. The roof of his car was dented and the left door was broken. He had car insurance, but his insurance rate would go up because this accident would be on his record.artinya apa,tolong di bantu yah???

Dia mengemudi terlalu cepat di tikungan di jalan bebas hambatan, dan mobilnya meledak dan berguling. Untungnya tidak ada yang terluka.
Bob baik-baik saja, tapi dia kesal. Atap mobilnya disokong dan pintu kirinya rusak. Dia punya asuransi mobil, tapi tarif asuransinya akan naik karena kecelakaan ini akan di rekam.Dia mengemudi terlalu cepat di tikungan di jalan bebas hambatan, dan mobilnya lepas kendali dan berguling. Untungnya tidak ada yang terluka.
Bob baik-baik saja, tapi dia kesal. Atap mobilnya disokong dan pintu kirinya rusak. Dia punya asuransi mobil, tapi tarif asuransinya akan naik karena kecelakaan ini akan berada didalam rangkaian peristiwanya

10. C. Como to principal's office.contadt Rudy the students' comerStudents' Association DeputyHow can students get more information?A Come to schoolB Gather in the hallWhy does the mudent association hold the gathering?A To get information about the students of seventh gradersB To meet all seventh graders in students' center"The Students' Association will hold a student gathering-The underlined word is closest in meaning toA meetingB. WatchingC. PreparingThe following te for questions 4 to 5.C. To groet all the new seventh gradensD. to obey the request of the principalD. CollectingWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THEFT OR DAMAGE TOCARMOTORCYCLE OR CONTENTSPARK AT YOUR OWN RISK!D. Parking attendantsWho is the text addressed to ?A DriversB. Passers - by C. Police officersIf person finds his/her car dented while being pariod there, he/she....A. May claim the damage to the parking lot's managementB. has his/her car repaired and pays for the repair expenseC. should blame the parking attendants for being carelessD. may sue the parking lot's management for bad serviceThe following tea is for questions 6 to 2.Dear the parents,SMP Rimba Jaya will have a school chibition. All the students' handicrafts will be displayed in the exhibition​


A.come to school. meet all sevent graders in students center.

11. pertanyaannya di foto itu ya.... taksJokeA blonde woman is driving her car homeone night when she suddenly finds herself in themiddle of a really bad hail storm. The hail stonesare as big as golf balls and her car gets dentedup really bad. The next day, she takes it into arepair shop to have the dents looked at.The repair guy, noticing that she is blondeand quite dingy. When she speaks, decides tohave some fun and tells her to blow into the tailpipe of the car really hard when she gets home,and that doing this will cause all of the dents topop out.When she gets home she starts blowing intothe tail pipe as hard as she can, over and over.Just then, her best friend, who also is blonde,shows up. Her friend sees her blowing into thetail pipe and is quite startled by the action. Sheblurts out, "What are you doing?" The first blondetells the second blonde that the repair guy toldher to blow into the tail pipe real hard and thetolong bantu jawab​


12. c

13. c

14. a

15. d


semoga membantu ^_^


smg membantu


12. c

13. b

14. d

15. a

12. The Railway Coach Tim had been given a train set on his sixth birthday. It had a signal, tracks to lay out on the floor, a red engine to pull the train, trucks for goods and one lovely blue passenger coach. Tim liked the passenger coach best of all. Tim liked slide the roof off the coach. Then he was able to reach inside and feel the soft seats. The little tables had a tiny lamp on them. But he wished he had passengers to ride inside the coach! Time passed. Tim grew up. Now, the coach was dented and the doors were hanging off. ‘‘What can we do with this old thing?’’ he asked his girlfriend. ‘‘Do you think it is any use to anyone?’’ ‘‘Put it in this box of things for the jumble sale,’’ said his girlfriend. ‘‘someone may buy it.’’ ‘‘But it has no wheels!’’ said Tim. ‘‘Still, I suppose you never know! Come along, we must be going!’’ Tim and his girlfriend sold lots of things at the jumble sale. But nobody wanted the old passenger coach. ‘‘You know,’’ said Tim, ‘‘when I was a boy, I always wished I had some passengers to go inside! ’’Later a lady and a girl were close by. ‘‘No good for you hoping for a dolls’ house, Amy!’’ the lady was saying. ‘‘Besides, where could we keep it? ’’Amy pointed at the coach. ‘‘What is that over there?’’ she asked. ‘‘This?’’ smiled Tim. ‘‘It is only an old passenger coach!’’ ‘‘Look!’’ cried Amy. ‘‘it has tables with lamps and seats which fold down to make little beds! It will make a lovely house for my dolls!’’ ‘‘And we can certainly find room for it in our little home!’’ said Momny. ‘‘And I always wanted to see passengers in that coach!’’ said Tim. Amy smiled. She couldn’t wait to get the coach home. Very soon the old coach was looking almost as good as new! It still had no wheels, but Amy didn’t mind. After all, with her dolls living inside, it was not going anywhere, anymore. But what a lovely home it made for them! What did Tim want to be inside his coach? *A. Some dollsB. Some soft bedsC. Some soft seats.D. Some passengersE. Some tables with lamps.​


D. some passengers.


semoga membantu <3

13. In the middle of a bright day. I planned to have a lunch in a new restaurant. I drove along the West Road at a reasonable speed. About fifty meters before the crossroads, a pedestrian, who was walking on the sidewalk, suddenly ran across the road in front of my car. I was so surprised that I braked as hard as I could. I was really in a panic and I had to swerve to avoid the pedestrian. I crashed into a car which was parked by the side of the road. Fortunately, the pedestrian was not injured, but I had a bad cut on my face because my head hit the windshield. I had forgotten to put on my seat belt. An ambulance took me to the hospital where I had to have five stitches and took a rest for several hours. There was a lot of damage to my car; the windshield was broken and the fender was badly dented. I was interviewed by the police in the hospital. I promised my self to be careful the next time I drive the car. Task 2. Identify the generic structure of the text above. Make a table for your answer following the model below. (Mengidentifikasikan susunan dari teks. Isilah tabel di bawah ini dengan melihat paragraf bagian-bagian berikut). Generic Structure Paragraph Sets of scene and participants Tell what happened in sequences The closure of events


she my best freinds


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