Why did mr. Lebai get confused after receiving the invitations
1. Why did mr. Lebai get confused after receiving the invitations
translate: mengapa tuan Lebai terlihat bingung setelah menerima undangan-undangan itu?
Mengapa mr. Lebai menjadi bingung setelah menerima undangan
2. Apa artinya why did mr. Lebai get confused after receiving the invitations
mengapa mr. Lebai menjadi bingung setelah menerima undangan?Kenapa Mr. Lebai menjadi bingung setelah menerima undangan?
3. Why did mr.lebai get confused after receiving the invitations?
Kenapa Pak Lebai merasa ragu sesudah menerima undangan itu ?
4. 6. haven't - why - invitations - sent out - you the - ? The best arrangement for the jumble words above is... A. Why you haven't sent out the invitations? B. Why haven't you sent out the invitations? C. Why haven't sent out you the invitations? D. Why you sent out haven't the invitations?
B. Why haven’t you sent out the invitations?
Arti: Mengapa kamu belum mengirimkan undangannya?
5. 3.what made Mr Lebai confused? What did ho do
because he received 2 party and its location is far from each other
maaf ya kalo salah
6. Arti dari did you say thank after receiving it
apakah kamu sudah berterimakasih setelah menerimanya
did= sudah (telah dilakukan)
Jawaban:did you say thank after receiving it
Penjelasan:suda kau membilang terimakasih sebelum menerimanya
7. 1.where did mr. lebai lived2.why did mr. lebai getbconfused after receiving the invitations 3 where did mr. lebay go first? why? 4 what happened in the middle of his journey? why? 5 what happened at the end of the story6 what can we learn from the story? jwb ya
Narrative Text
He lived on a river bank in a village in West Sumatra . (Dia tinggal di tepi sungai di sebuah desa di Sumatra Barat)Because he got two invitations and wanted to come to the two parties. But unfortunately the two parties was held on the same time and the location were far from each other. (Karena dia mendapat dua undangan dan ingin datang ke kedua belah pihak. Namun sayangnya kedua pihak diadakan pada waktu yang sama dan lokasinya jauh dari satu sama lain)He visited the downstream first, because he knew that the food there was very delicious. (Dia mengunjungi hilir terlebih dahulu, karena dia tahu bahwa makanan di sana sangat lezat)He stopped from rowing his boat downstream. He confused whether have to go to downstream or upstream. He remembered that the host of the upstream usually gave more food to the guests. So He decided to go upstream but after he rowed his boat upstream, he also remembered that the downstream host was a generous man. (Dia berhenti mendayung perahunya ke hilir. Dia bingung harus pergi ke hilir atau ke hulu. Dia ingat bahwa tuan rumah hulu biasanya memberi lebih banyak makanan kepada para tamu. Jadi Dia memutuskan untuk pergi ke hulu tetapi setelah dia mendayung perahunya ke hulu, dia juga ingat bahwa tuan rumah di hilir adalah orang yang murah hati)He didn’t get anything because the party from the Upstream and the downstream was over. He went home empty-handed, exhausted, and disappointed. (Dia tidak mendapatkan apa-apa karena pesta dari Hulu dan hilir sudah berakhir. Dia pulang dengan tangan kosong, kelelahan, dan kecewa)We must not be greedy. (Kita tidak boleh serakah)PEMBAHASAN:
Untuk menjawab soal Reading Comprehension dengan benar kamu harus memahami makna dari pertanyaan tersebut. Berikut terjemahan soal agar kamu lebih paham.
Where did Mr. Lebai lived ? (Di mana Pak Lebai tinggal ?)Why did Mr. Lebai get confused after receiving the invitations ? (Kenapa Pak Lebai bingung setelah menerima undangan ?)Where did Mr. Lebay go first? why? (Kemana Pak Lebay pergi duluan? Mengapa?) What happened in the middle of his journey? why? (Apa yang terjadi di tengah perjalanannya? Mengapa?)What happened at the end of the story ? (Apa yang terjadi di akhir cerita ?)What can we learn from the story? (Apa yang bisa kita pelajari dari cerita itu?)Teks tentang Pak Lebay merupakan jenis teks narrative. Berikut penjelasan tentang Narrative Text.
Narrative adalah teks yang bertujuan untuk menghibur dan menarik minat pembaca dengan menyajikan cerita atau peristiwa yang memiliki masalah yang menimbulkan konflik dan pada akhir cerita ada resolusinya atau akhir yang bahagia atau bahkan menyedihkan. Sebenarnya teks narrative tidak hanya terbatas pada cerita yang berbau mistis, fiksi, legenda, dongeng ataupun fabel saja, tapi cerita lain yang berbentuk petualangan, misteri dan semua bentuk cerita. Intinya, narrative text adalah tentang cerita.
Teks Organization
Orientasi : latar belakang cerita, menjelaskan orang-orang yang terlibat dalam cerita, kapan dan dimana cerita itu terjadi Komplikasi : ketika permasalahan muncul dalam cerita Resolusi : krisis atau masalah tersebut teratasi, untuk lebih baik atau lebih buruk. Re-Orientasi : Opsional (tidak harus) boleh ada atau tidak ada.Unsur Kebahasaan:
Fokus pada satu tokoh atau pelaku dan biasanya individual sehingga biasanya menggunakan kata ganti (pronoun) seperti “I, we, she, he”. Paling sering menggunakan past tense baik itu simple past tense, past continuous, maupun bentuk past tense lainnya. Terkadang menggunakan dialog untuk mengajak pembaca berimajinasi sehingga ceritanya terlihat lebih jelas dan nyata (direct and indirect speech). Karena berurutan (kronologis), maka biasanya juga menggunakan kata sambung (conjunction) agar cerita terlihat runtut atau urut.PELAJARI LEBIH LANJUT:
Materi tentang Narrative text https://brainly.co.id/tugas/8665601
Materi tentang Narrative text https://brainly.co.id/tugas/12465435
Materi tentang Narrative text https://brainly.co.id/tugas/2700481
Materi tentang Narrative text https://brainly.co.id/tugas/12540414
Materi tentang Narrative text https://brainly.co.id/tugas/13001334
Materi tentang Narrative text https://brainly.co.id/tugas/8631648
Kelas : 8
Mata Pelajaran: bahasa Inggris
Bab : 5
Kode: 8.5.5
8. What should Dari do after receiving the message
if we receive a message we should see the contents of the message if we know the number that send the message we must reply but if not know do not have to reply to the message
9. activity 5 work in pairs. answer the questions1 where did mr lebai live?
1 dimana pak lebai tinggal?
10. Jawaban Dari What Made Mr. lebai Confused? what did he do?
The invitations
He never made decisions quickly
11. where did Mr. Lebai lived?
2 juni 1891
kalo gak salah
12. Where did Mr. Lebai lives?
Jawaban:He lives on a river bank in a village in west Sumatra
13. 12) What does randy feel after receiving the message?A SadB. HappyC. relievedD. confused
D. Confused
Maaf klo salah
14. what did the woman do after receiving the paper
apa yang wanita lakukan setelah menerima kertasapa yang wanita itu lakukan setelah menerima surat/kertas ?
15. Which of the three folktales(poor Mr. Lebai or timun mas or lutung Kasarung) did you like the best? Why?
Artinya :
"Mana diantara ketiga Cerita Rakyat (Mr.Lebai yang malang,Timun Mas,Atau lutung kasarung) Yang Paling kamu sukai? mengapa?
ini jawabannya berdasarkan pendapat masing-masing kak
kalau mau jawab :
"i like the .... Folktale The Most because..."
"aku paling suka cerita ... Karena ..."
"I Like the Timun Mas folktale The Most because I think The Story' is interesting"
Semoga bermanfaat
16. arti dari what Made Mr lebai cinfused ? what did he do?
Apa yang membuat Mr. Lebai bingung ? Apa yang ia lakukan ?
17. Why did lebai retum his boat to the Southern vilage?tolong bantu yahh
Because lebai malang was invited to the southern village.
maaf kalau salah <3
18. how did the story end? taks Mr lebai Malang (resolution)
Bagaimanakah akhir/ending dari cerita tersebut?
19. 1.Where did mr. Lebai lived 2.Why did mr. Lebai getbconfused after receiving the invitations 3 where did mr. Lebay go first? Why? 4 what happened in the middle of his journey? Why? 5 what happened at the end of the story 6 what can we learn from the story? Jwb ya
1. Mr. Lebai lived on a river bank in village in West Sumatra
2. Because, the party were to take place exactly at the same time
3. He rowing his boat downstream. Because, the food there was very delicious
4. He turned back his boat. Because, the host of the upstream usually give more food to the guests.
5. The party in downstream and upstream was over. He went home empty-handed, disappointed, and exhausted.
6. Don't be greedy
Maafkalau salah
20. Answer the questions based on the text: 1. Where did mr lebai live?2. Why did mr lebai get Confused after receiving the initation3. Where did mr lebai go First? Why ? 4. what hap pened in the journey? Why ? 5. what happened in the end of Story? 6. What can we learn of the story?tlng bntu ya kak, terimakasih
1. Mr Lebai lived on a river bank in a village in West Sumatra.
2. Mr Lebai got confused after receiving the invitations because the two parties were to take place at the same time and he did not want to miss out on either one.
3. Mr Lebai went first to the downstream village because he thought that the food would be more delicious there.
4. What happened in the journey was that Mr Lebai stopped in the middle of his journey and remembered that the upstream host usually gave more food to the guests. He then turned his boat back and started to row upstream. However, when he got there, the party in the upstream was already over and he saw people walking home with bags of food. Mr Lebai then turned back to go to the downstream village, but when he got there, the party was already over there too.
5. In the end, Mr Lebai went home empty-handed, disappointed, and exhausted. He was so unfortunate that he was nicknamed "Pak Lebai Malang" or "Poor Mr Lebai."
6. What can we learn of the story is that it is better to stick to one thing and see it through to the end, rather than trying to do two things at once and ending up not accomplishing either.