Contoh Postcard Tentang Liburan Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya

Contoh Postcard Tentang Liburan Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya

contoh postcard berlibur dalam bahasa inggris

1. contoh postcard berlibur dalam bahasa inggris


Postcard tentang liburan [Bahasa Inggris]

Semoga membantu! ^^

2. Contoh postcard bahasa inggris tentang liburan ke makkasar


To my friend,

I'm spending my holiday in Makassar. I went to many good places. There is the mandala monument, that looks like Monas. I also went to Museum La Galigo! You know, the history that make me sad. Oh yeah! Do you know the Losari Beach? It's so beautiful! I'm going to take some with me and show it to you later.

I wish you were here.

Your best friend,


3. contoh postcard mengenai liburan ke jepang dalam bahasa inggris

To my best friend,

I'm spending my holiday in Japan. I went to many cool places. There is the Tokyo Tower, that looks like Eiffel Tower. I also went to Hachiko's Statue! You know, the movie that make us very sad. Oh yeah! Do you remember the cherry blossom flower that we usually talked about? It's soo beautiful! I'm going to take some with me and show it to you later.

I wish you were here.

Your best friend,

4. Assalamualaikum ^_^ada yang bisa buatkan contoh postcard liburan dalam bahasa Inggris?.

"hi John? How're you there? I'm very well. I hope 2 weeks to go, i could see your face again. Sydney, lots of memories here! I cannot believe why suddenly I just arrived at here. I'm staying at one of homestay here. If you go to here, omg!!!! you'll never believe it! full of shopping places, the beaches, and the other fun places! c'mon, i miss you :(

see you again 2 weeks to go. I'm gonna flight to Indonesia 

Masha Mc lamour

5. contoh postcard dalam bahasa inggris dengan V2

Angga Ultra
10 Kemerdekaan Street

Dear Angga,

Hi, I'm in New Zealand. I'm staying with my uncle and aunt in their boat. We're in a beautiful bay with hills all around it. Life on the boat is fantastic. It's so different to living in the city. There's no TV and there are no computer games, but there are so many other things to do. I'm having lots of fun. I'm learning to sail and we go fishing everyday. We eat fish for dinner every night. This is the best holiday of my life.
Wish you were here. 

Your friend,

6. contoh postcard bahasa inggris yang kalimatnya banyak

happy birthday to you, wish u all the best n enjoying life

7. Buatlah contoh postcard dalam bahasa inggris ! . Pengalaman liburan pribadi didalamnnya . Misalnya jalan2 .

Dear John,

It's Rose. I have successfully made it to London. I was traveling around the city. I asked for directions and met your sister, Jade. Jade showed me around town. It was delightful to take a look around. Also, I met Jade's boyfriend, Dave. The three of us will soon to visit you. Just sit back and relax, we will arrive in two days.

We'll see you soon.

-Rose Lalonde


Semoga bermanfaat!


8. gambar postcard dlm bahasa inggris dan artinya

Gambar yang ad di postcard adalah stamp

9. ada yang bisa buat postcard tentang liburan dalam bahasa inggris? kalau bisa jangan terlalu panjang dan jangan terlalu pendek juga yaaa :) makasih

contohnya kayak gini... :D

10. contoh postcard dalam bahasa inggris beserta artinya

Hy my bestfriend.. Long time no see.
How are you? I'm fine in here. I hope you also fine over there
I really miss you. Do you miss me?
See you later. I wait your reply

Hai sahabatku? Lama tidak bertemu ya?
Bagaimana kabarmu? Aku disini baik-baik saja. Aku berharap kamu disana juga baik-baik saja.
Aku sungguh rindu kamu. Apakah kamu rindu aku?
Sampai bertemu nanti. Aku menunggu balasanmu

11. contoh postcard bahasa inggris yang kalimatnya banyak

Jakarta, 17 February 2011      Last week I was went to Asri’sbirthday party. Asri is my best friend. There are many peoples in her party. All of them wear the elegant dress. They’re so pretty. I wore the pink dress and the pink flat shoes. And I was so happy, I was drank many drinks. And some cakes. The cake was very delicious. Umm, yummy. I want it once again. And the room design was so cool, I love it. After that we were went to the back garden. And we saw many stars in the night sky. Oh, that’s so beautiful! And so amazing! The light was so bright. I really love it and enjoy it.       I think that’s my experience. And I hope you’ll share your experience to me. Thank You.  Your Best Friend              Destitha

12. contoh postcard untuk guru tentang liburan!...(dalam bahasa inggris)

Dear Ms. Rita Suherman S.Pd,

I know that I had a lot of mistake to you. I often made you upset or angry because I was hard to be controlled. But, deep down in my heart I am really happy to have a very good teacher like you. You are so patient when dealing with all of your students. Although your students are sometimes naughty, but you still trying to understand us.

Ms. Rita, thank you for anything you have done. Thank you for teaching me a lot of valuable knowledge. I would never forget anything you have taught me. Thank you for being such a great teacher. I hope you will always healthy and happy.

Your student,


Arti dalam Bahasa Indonesia:

Untuk Ms. Rita Suherman S.Pd,

Saya tahu bahwa saya punya banyak salah kepada ibu. Saya sering membuat ibu kecewa atau marah karena saya sulit atur. Tapi, jauh di dalam lubuk hati saya, saya sangat senang memiliki seorang guru yang sangat baik seperti ibu. Ibu sangat sabar menghadapi semua murid-murid ibu. Walaupun murid-murid ibu terkadang nakal, tapi ibu tetap berusaha untuk memahami kami.

Ibu Rita, terima kasih untuk semua yang telah ibu lakukan. Terima kasih telah mengajarkan saya banyak pengetahuan yang berharga. Saya tidak akan pernah melupakan semua yang telah ibu ajarkan. Terima kasih telah menjadi seorang guru yang sangat hebat. Saya harap ibu akan selalu sehat dan bahagia.

maaf ya kalau salah

13. contoh postcard dalam bahasa inggris

Dear Ann,

Hello my friend! long time no see. I miss you so much since we seperated in Junior High School. I hope your family and you're fine. Don't forget to reply me a letter, Have a nice Day!

Your lovely friend,

Semoga bermanfaat :)
Xoxo ~

14. contoh postcard untuk sahabat dalam bahasa inggris

kelas : VIII
pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
kategori : post cards
kata kunci : write a postcard, friend

contoh postcard 1:

8th July, 2016
Dear Kevin,

We are all with you during your hard time. The accident must have taught you a lesson never to drive speedily again.

Keep smiling to hasten your recovery and forget all the worry. Be strong and fight your injury with tough heart and courage.

Get well soon,

contoh postcard 2
Dear Rudy,

Hi Rudy! So long not to see you. I arrived in Malioboro Yogyakarta a week ago. The journey was very interesting for my holiday in Indonesia.

Having visited Malioboro, I went to Pindul cave in Gunungkidul. It's a great cave there. Then, I also visited the greatest cave "Gong Cave" in Pacitan. Beautiful! It's the greatest cave I've ever seen. The next afternoon I came back to Yogya and directly flew to Bali. But, I'm sorry that I can't drop in your house. Someday I will visit your house. Wijilan, east of Yogya Sultan Palace, right?

hope things are going well,

15. contoh postcard dalam bahasa inggris tentang les bahasa inggris

people began to buy their own post card         
buy their post card smoga brmfaat

16. contoh postcard dalam bahasa inggris untuk smk

Hi Jules,

How are you? I hope you are doing absolutely fantastic! Me and my family are in Bali on holiday. The weather is great here. Can we come and see you in September? Please write or call, tell us.

Love from Frank

17. bisakah tolong buatkan contoh postcard dalam bentuk bahasa inggris? tentang liburan

dear aries

how are you?? i hope you are fine. i have a great holiday in bali. how about your grandma health in washington.. i heard that your grandma is got a heart failure.. i sorry to hear that.. by the way i have the most wonderful holiday in here.. the people are so kind. i really want you to join me in here

with love , your bff

18. contoh postcard dalam bahasa inggris dengan V2​


      Congratulations! You finally got accepted in your dream school. We are so proud of you! Your struggle inspires us. Go Ghea! We love and support you.



Semoga Membantu x.

Sumber : Buku kisi-kisi USBN dan UN

19. Contoh postcard dalam bahasa inggris


   Dear Shessa,

Please don't forget to return my english book. I really need it.

Bring it to the school tomorrow!



20. Ada yang bisa bantu ? Bikin Postcard bahasa inggris tentang Liburan dalam Simple Past Tense

(+)I was trip to Bali last week at holiday
(-) I wasn't trip to Bali last week at holiday
(?) Was you went to Bali last week

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