Contoh kalimat aktif dan pasif yang sama dari tense simple future,future continuous,future perfect,future perfect continuous,simple future past tense,future past continuous,future past perfect,future past perfect continuous tense
1. Contoh kalimat aktif dan pasif yang sama dari tense simple future,future continuous,future perfect,future perfect continuous,simple future past tense,future past continuous,future past perfect,future past perfect continuous tense
simple future
i will draw cute character for my comic
The cute character will be drawn by me for my comic
future continue
i will be drawing cute character for my comic
The cute character will be being drawn by me for my comic
future perferct
i will have drawn cute character for my comic
The cute character will have been drawn by me for my comic
future perferct continue
i will have been drawing cute character for my comic
The cute character Will have been being drawn by me for my comic
simple future past
i would draw cute character for my comic
The cute character would be drawn by me for my comic
future past continuous
i would be drawing cute character for my comic
The cute character would be being drawn by me for my comic
future past perferct
i would have drawn cute character for my comic
the cute character would have been drawn by me for my comic
future past perferct continuous
i would have been drawing cute character for my comic
the cute character would have been being drawn by me for my comic
2. 1.simple present tense- he washes his shirt (aktif)- (pasif)2.present continuous tense- (aktif)- (pasif)3. past tense- (aktif)- (pasif)4. past continuous tense- (aktif)- (pasif)5. past perfect- (aktif)- (pasif)6. present perfect tense- (aktif)- (pasif)7. present perfect continuous tense- (aktif) - (pasif)8.past perfect continuous tense- (aktif)- (pasif)9. simple future(will)- (aktif)- (pasif)10. simple future(be going to)- (aktif)- (pasif)11. simple future ( would)- (aktif)- (pasif)12. simple future (be going to)- (aktif)- (pasif)13. future perfect continuous tense - (aktif)- (pasif)tolong mohon bantuannya ya besok mau di kumpul pliss makasih
i eat pentol ,i am eating pentol,i have ate pentol,ihave been eating pentol
3. Temukan bentuk / pola simple present, simple past, present perfect, past perfect, present continuous, past continuous, dan simple future secara aktif dan pasif. Cari contoh kalimat aktif dari tiap tense, dan coba ubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif.
Simple Present : Subject + verb 1 s/es + Object
Simple Past : Subject + verb 2 + Object
Present Perfect : Subject + has/have + verb 3 + Object
Past Perfect : Subject + had + verb 3 + Object
Present Continuous : Subject + Is/Are + verb-ing + Object
Past Continuous : Subject + Was/Were + verb-ing + Object
Simple Future : Subject + Will + verb 1 + Object
Simple Present : Subject + is/are + verb 3 + object
Simple Past : Subject + was/were + verb 3 + object
Present Perfect : Subject + has/have + been + verb 3 + object
Past Perfect : Subject + had + been + verb 3 + object
Present Continuous : Subject + Is/Are + Being + verb 3 + object
Past Continuous : Subject + Was/Were + Being + verb 3 + object
Simple Future : Subject + Will + be + verb 3 + object
4. Buatlah kedalam kalimat aktif dan pasif : Kalimat nya : lala menulis surat Tenses nya : simple present tense, present perfect continuous tense, past continuous tense, dan past perfect continuous tense
lala writer a letter
a letter is written by lalaactive
simple present - lala write a letter
past continuous - lala was writing a letter
a letter was written by lala
5. buatkan 5 kalimat past continuous tense, aktif dan pasif tentang tourism..pls tolongin, jam set10 dikumpulin
Kalimat imperatif merupakan kalimat yang bersifat memberi perintah atau komando. Dengan kata lain, kalimat imperatif adalah kalimat yang mengandung perintah. Kalimat ini berfungsi untuk meminta atau melarang seseorang agar tidak melakukan sesuatu.
Ciri – Ciri Kalimat Imperatif
Ditandai dengan intonasi yang rendah pada akhir kalimat.
Menggunakan partikel penegas, penghalus, dan kata ajakan, harapan, larangan, serta permintaan.
Susunan inversi, sehingga predikat dan subjek tidak selalu terungkap.
Pelaku tindakan tidak selalu terungkap.
Berikut ini adalah penjelasan mengenai jenis-jenis kalimat imperatif :
1. Kalimat Imperatif Halus
Imperatif halus merupakan kalimat perintah yang di dalam penulisannya menggunakan kata-kata yang dianggap sopan. Kata yang biasa digunakan seperti tolong, cobalah, silahkan, dan sekiranya.
Contoh :
Tolong ambilkan buku itu !
Tolong tutup pintunya !
Silahkan duduk disana !
Cobalah makanan ini, mungkin kamu menyukainya !
Silahkan anda antri disini !
Tolong kirimkan berkas ini ke kantor cabang !
Silahkan kamu tunggu disini !
Tolong matikan lampu !
Tolong berikan kue ini kepada Shafira !
Tolong ambilkan saya air minum !
2. Kalimat Imperatif Transitif
Imperatif Transitif merupakan kalimat yang berpredikat verba transitif, mirip dengan konstruksi pada kalimat deklaratif.
Contoh :
Carilah pekerjaan yang layak !
Belikanlah ayahmu jam tangan baru !
Ubahlah gaya hidupmu !
3. Kalimat Imperatif Taktransitif
Imperatif Taktransitif merupakan kalimat yang dibentuk dari kalimat deklaratif yang dapat berpredikat verba dasar, frasa adjektif, dan frasa verba yang berprefiks meng- dan ber- ataupun frasa preposisional.
Contoh :
Kamu berdiri !
Diam semuanya !
Kamu Masuk !
Kamu menghapus papan tulis !
Diam !
Kamu keluar !
Kamu Duduk !
Kamu baris yang rapih !
Tenang !
Kamu berlari 5 kali !
4. Kalimat Imperatif Ajakan dan Harapan
Kalimat imperatif ajakan dan harapan merupakan kalimat perintah yang didalamnya berisi kata ajakan. Biasanya diawali dengan kata ayo, mari, harap, dan hendaknya.
Contoh :
Marilah kita membersihkan lingkungan sekitar !
Mari kita melestarikan hutan !
Hendaknya kita rajin menabung !
Marilah kita bekerja dengan semangat !
Ayo kita masuk ke kelas !
Ayo kita berangkat sekolah !
Ayo kita pulang ke rumah !
Mari kita makan siang bersama !
Mari kita bersihkan halaman ini !
Mari kita rapihkan tempat ini !
5. Kalimat Imperatif Permintaan
Kalimat imperatif permintaan merupakan kalimat perintah yang ditandai dengan adanya kata mohon dan minta. Subjek pelaku kalimat imperatif permintaan adalah pembicara yang sering tidak diperlihatka.
Contoh :
Mintalah uang saku kepada bapakmu !
Mohon maaflah kepada kedua orang tuamu !
Minta perhatiannya sebentar teman-teman !
Mintalah doa restu kepada orang tua mu !
Mohon diterima dengan baik pemberian ini !
Mohon kerja samanya teman-teman !
Mintalah izin kepada orang tua mu !
Mohon diterima kado dari saya ini !
Mintalah hadiah kepada ayahmu !
6. Contoh kalimat pasif aktif dengan past tense, simple past dan simple present.
Simple past tense =>
Aktif => They visited the zoo last week
Pasif nya => The zoo was visited (by them) last week
Simple present tense =>
Aktif => I Open the door every 6 o'clock in the morning
Pasif nya => The door is opened (by me) every 6 o'clock in the morning
Good Luck! :D
7. contoh kalimat aktif dan pasif dalam simple present tense dan past tense
Simple present tanse
-Nominal setence (tdk menggunakan kta krja). Formula ( s + tobe(is,am,are)+o)
ex: - she is a student
s tobe o
-he is very lazy
-Verbal setence ( menggunakan kata kerja)
Formula=( s+v1 +s/es+o)
ex:-they study english every my brothers
Past tanse digunakan untuk menyatakan perbuatan atau yang terjadi pada masa lampau.
ex:-he was in the school yesterday
formula:( S+V2+O)
ex:-my sister cooked rice in kithcen two hours ago.MAAF KALO SALAH JAWABANNYA
Simple present
Active: She orders a beef hamburger.
Passive: The hamburger is ordered by her.
Simple past
Active: He played basketball with his friends.
Passive: The basketball was played by him with his friends.
smoga brmnfaat :))(
8. buatkan 5 kalimat past continuous tense, aktif dan pasif tentang tourism..pls tolongin, jam set10 dikumpulin
I was eating Nasi Goreng
nAsi Goreng was being eaten by me
mother was cooking chicken soup.
chicken soup was being cooked by mother.
my sister was reading a book.
a book was being read by my sister.
my teacher was teaching English.
English was being taught by my teacher
my brother was throwing a stone to a dog.
a stone was being thrown by my brother to a dog.
9. tuliska 5 contoh kalimat aktif pasif simple past tense
Kalimat aktif
She washed three hours ago
I went to the town hall last year
I never cheated
She always hurt me
Ana fed her pets
Kalimat pasif
10. tulisakan 5 contoh simple past tense kalimat aktif pasif
1.he ate cake yesterday
2.the farmer gave advice to his three
3.hi lived in house
4.she prayed so god would give held her a child
5.she went to school yesterday
11. Contoh - contoh kalimat yang mengandung kalimat Pasif dalam bentuk Tenses: Past Tense, Past Continuous dan Past Perfect !
past tense: This shoes was bought by me yesterday.
past continuous: My friend was baking bread when I came.
past perfect: My house had been visited by her so many times
12. Buat 10 kalimat (masing-masing) tentang contoh struktur: Simple Present Tense, Simple Past Tense, Present Continuous Tense, & Voice Pasif
1. They go to the beach on weekend.
2. They enjoy the sunset.
3. I read one novel every month.
4. She always enjoys her trip to that market.
5. Harry reads a newspaper before working.
6. I am happy with you.
7. She is very patient and intelligent.
8. Budi is good at counting numbers.
9. They are in Paris.
10. My parents are at home.
1. I went to Jogyakarta with my friends last week.
2. Dion won the speech contest in his school two days ago.
3. He sent a letter to his friend last Sunday.
4. She went to Cinema last night.
5. I planned my summer holiday last week.
6. Last year we went to Malang.
7. I ate my lunch an hour ago.
8. She studied Math yesterday.
9. My cat drank chocolate milk two days ago.
10. They had dinner with Mr.President yesterday.
1. The house is cleaned by Rita once a week.
2. The car was repaired by Doni yesterday.
3. That beach has been visited by many tourists.
4. The food is going to be cooked by mother tonight.
5. The plant is watered by Cindy everu two days.
6. The book was read by Gina yesterday.
7. The house is going to be sold.
8. The tasks will have been completed before thw deadline.
9. The cake would always be made by my mother.
10. The problem cannot be solved by me.
13. Contoh kalimat aktif simple present continuous tense,past continuous tense,simple suture tense,future continuous tense,present perfect tense,past perfect tense,future perfect tense... Tolong di bantu!! penting
simple future tense : I think it will rain tonight.
future continuous tense : I'll be working all evening so I won't be able to see you.
future perfect tense : by the end of year your new servant will have broken all your cups / when we reach the next harbor we will have sailed halfway around the worldThe simple continuos tense/present
1. My father is reading a mews paper today.
2. My sister is writing a novel at the present.
3. Mr.Adnan is washing a car now
4. Alza is drawing a reog ponorogo at the present
5. Raffi is watering the plants at the moment
The past contiuos tense
1. I was watching television last night
2. We were playing football yerterday
3. My aunt was cooking sandwich last night
4. Diza was singing a song last week
5. Mrs.Filzah was reading a dictionary two day ago
The present future tense
1. Qaleysia will go to market tomorrow
2. Mrs.Siti will moppe the floor to night
3. Linda will write a novel soon
4. Adinda will prepare dinner to night
5. Suci will watch a sircus some day
14. Berikan 10 contoh kalimat aktif & pasif Future Perfect Continuous Tense
maaf ini pelajaran apa
ini pelajaran apa yak
sorry gak tahu
15. Temukan bentuk / pola simple present, simple past, present perfect, past perfect, present continuous, past continuous, dan simple future secara aktif dan pasif. Cari contoh kalimat aktif dari tiap tense, dan coba ubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif.
Simple Present : Subject + verb 1 s/es + Object
Simple Past : Subject + verb 2 + Object
Present Perfect : Subject + has/have + verb 3 + Object
Past Perfect : Subject + had + verb 3 + Object
Present Continuous : Subject + Is/Are + verb-ing + Object
Past Continuous : Subject + Was/Were + verb-ing + Object
Simple Future : Subject + Will + verb 1 + Object
Simple Present : Subject + is/are + verb 3 + object
Simple Past : Subject + was/were + verb 3 + object
Present Perfect : Subject + has/have + been + verb 3 + object
Past Perfect : Subject + had + been + verb 3 + object
Present Continuous : Subject + Is/Are + Being + verb 3 + object
Past Continuous : Subject + Was/Were + Being + verb 3 + object
Simple Future : Subject + Will + be + verb 3 + object
klo bisa jadiin Brainliest ya, klo gamau ya udh gpp, moga ngebantu.
16. contoh kalimat aktif dan pasif simple past tense positif negatif dan tanya
kalimat aktif bisa dijabarkan sebagai kalimat dimana object melakukan sesuatu hal atau pun kegiatan. Biasanya, akan ada imbuhan seperti me-, dan ber-. kalimat pasif adalah suatu kalimat dimana object dikenakan sesuatu hal atau pun kegiatan. Biasanya kalimat pasif memiliki imbuhan seperti di-, dan ter-.
contoh kalimat aktif dan pasif simple past tense:
1.Kalimat positif (positive sentence)
Rumus: S + was / were +V3
1. She was faced with the reality that she can not go to the recreation place
was faced: dihadapkan
2. Their car were fixed by the mechanic
were fixed: diperbaiki
3. The society were gathered by the chairman to attend a meeting
were gathered: dikumpulkan
2. Kalimat negatif (negative sentence)
Rumus: S + was / were not +V3
1. The meeting was not canceled because of the holiday
2. The trees were not cut down by the people
3. The balloons were not blown by me
3. Kalimat tanya (interrogative sentence)
Rumus: Was / were + S + V3
Dalam penggunaan atau penyusunan kalimat pasif jenis ini, kalian hanya perlu memindahkan kata was atau were ke begian depan kalimat.
1. Was I visited by her last night in the hospital?
2. Was the cheese cake made by my mother?
3. Was the flower bouquet created by my parents ?
17. berikan contoh kalimat pasif dan aktif dalam present continuous tense beserta artinya
active : Icha is reading a novel (Icha sedang membaca sebuah novel)
passive : A novel is being read by Icha (Sebuah novel sedang dibaca oleh Icha)
active : Icha is singing a song (Icha sedang menyanyi sebuah lagu)
passive : A song is being sung by Icha (Sebuah lagu sedang dinyanyikan oleh Icha)
18. contoh kalimat yang mengandung kalimat pasif dalam bentuk tenses past tense, past continuous tense dan past perfect!
Contoh kalimat yang mengandung kalimat pasif dalam bentuk past tense, past continuous tense, dan past perfect yaitu
Passive past tense:
The ant was mocked by the grasshopper. The grasshopper was replied with good words by the ant.
Passive past continuous tense:
The grasshopper's time was being enjoyed and just did nothing. A lot of food was being collected by the ant for the winter.
Passive past perfect tense:
The ant had been mocked by the grasshopper who collected a lot of food. The ant had been asked to sing and dance together by the grasshopper.
Bentuk active dari keenam kalimat di atas adalah
The grasshopper mocked the ant. The ant replied the grasshopper with good words.
The grasshopper was enjoying his time and just did nothing. The ant was collecting a lot of food for the winter.
The grasshopper had mocked the ant who collected a lot of food. The grasshopper had asked the ant to sing and dance together.
Pelajari lebih lanjut materi passive voice pada
19. Menentukan kalimat aktif dan pasif pada sruktur ,Simple present continuous tense,Present perfect tense,Present perfect continuous tense dan simple past tense!terima kasih
Present Continuous Tense
Active : S + am/is/are + present participle (v-ing)
Passive : S + am/is/are + being + past participle (V3)
Present Perfect Tense
Active : S + have/has + past participle
Passive : S + have/has + been + past participle
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Active : S + have/has + been + present participle
Passive : S + have/has + been + being + past participle
Simple Past Tense
Active : S + preterite (v2)
Passive : S + was/were + past participle
20. buat contoh kalimat pasif sesuai dengan tense - simple present - simple past tense - present continuous - past continuous - present perfect - past perfect - simple future Berdasarkan kalimat positif, negatif dan tanya
Passive Voice "Simple Present Tense"
A lotus biscoff chesecake is made by me.
All plants are watered by me.
A new outfits are bought by me everyday.
A novel is written by Florence every month.
English are taught by me.
The glasses shoes is worn by Cinderella
A chocolate is not made by Sally.
The TV is not watched by me.
Bandung is not lived by him.
The glasses shoes is not worn by him.
Chinese are not learnt by Dimas and Farhan.
The building is not climbed by him.
Is the new handphone bought by her?
Are an all songs sung by me for us?
Is a roast chicken cooked by Tammy?
Are the snacks bought by you?
Are you contacted by them?
Is the perfume worn by her?
Passive Voice "Simple Past Tense"
The Fatahillah building were visited by us yesterday.
Ridwan Kamil was invited by me in the parliament building last year.
The steak was made by me.
Indonesia was colonized by the Dutch many years ago.
In 2002 was born by Lauren.
Samsung Galaxy was bought by me in the mall.
I wasn't invited to the my family party.
You weren’t accused of stealing money.
Math wasn’t studied by last night.
Solo wasn't gone by me last year.
My homework wasn't done by me last week.
School weren't gone by Lina yesterday.
Were the Fatahillah building visited by us yesterday?
Was the steak made by you?
Were you invited to Mr. Handoko's daughter wedding ceremony last year?
When was Indonesia colonized by The Dutch East India Company?
When were moneys stolen from the bank?
Was any outfit bought for you?
Passive Voice "Present Continuous Tense"
A history book is being read by me.
Western food is being eaten by me.
Alicia is being called by him.
The gorgeous gown is being worn by her.
Tennis are being played by us.
Some outfit are being bought by me at the online shop.
A badminton is not being played by me.
This hotel are not being stayed by Athony and Lauren.
A novel is not being written by her.
Kuala Lumpur is not being gone by Natasha.
He is not being called by me.
Japanese is not being learned by him.
Are the best high ranking state officials being talked by you at the parliament building?
Is Ridwan called by you?
Are the music being listened by you now?
Is the cake being cooked by Annie?
Are the outfit being bought by you at online shop now?
I hope this help Please, jangan dihapus Maaf terlalu kepanjangan